Don't blame yourself

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*Woo adult Boreo, if there are any spelling mistakes please tell me! I'm writing this at 2am because I drank coffee and now I can't sleep but that's on me :')*

Theo walked into the living room of his and Boris' shared apartment to find the other drinking coffee and staring into space sitting on the couch. Boris looked out of it, probably on something. Theo sat down next to him and put his arm around his shoulder.

"Hey Boris, you okay?" Theo asked, Boris hummed, continuing to stare at his half empty mug of coffee. "Yeah." He scoffed. The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, Boris staring at his drink and his boyfriend staring at him.

"Was it my fault?" Boris asked abruptly. Theo gave him a confused look, his head tilting to the right slightly, "Was what your fault?" the new yorker asked. He heard a sniffle come from the other.

"Did I drive you towards suicide?" 

Theo was taken aback. Boris? Dive him toward suicide? That was ridiculous! If he did they wouldn't be sharing an apartment and bedroom together. 

"Of course not!" Theo exclaimed, lightly pounding the arm of the sofa with his fist. 

"But I got you to use drugs and alcohol! I stole your bird and sold it!" 

"But you got it back, Boris. That's what matters. And sure you got me to do drugs and drink but Tom had gotten me to do it first. (I think that was his name idk)" Boris moved closer to Theo and hugged him. "But that doesn't make what I did okay.." 

"It doesn't, but you tried to get better. You have gotten better." Theo gently rubbed circles into Boris' back, trying to comfort him. "So shut up with that shit." 


"Wanna get some ice cream and watch shitty movies?"

"Hell yes."

*I got a kidney infection because I aint drank enough water in like four months...this is my second one this year, drink your water kids this shit sucks-*

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