Part 15 - Hide Away

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Tremor overlooks me as I'm clawing away from something that is about to pull me into the darkness.

"Y/N!" Voices have been calling my name, but I don't know where they are.

It soon comes down into a shallow murmurs. I'm looking for it, I want to find who it is, who they are, but all I can do, is to listen as silence fills in the darkness.

I start to gasp for air like I just remember how to breathe. In darkness I can feel my head and body spinning, following the flow of something I couldn't see.

My body is shaking, I'm both afraid and an urge to find something I don't remember.

"Who are you?!" I cry.

"Y/N, it's just a dream."

Eerie, yet calm voice is what I'm hearing.

From my bedside. I see Eris, looking at me with worry painted on her face.

It's just a dream.


"Where's Aamon?"

Without waiting for her response, I scramble to lurch out off my bed. I run with heavy breathing across the unending hallways, light flickers, footsteps echoes. Near the window, the man I'm looking for is standing in his deep thought. A tinge of relief comes, yet it didn't last...

Your grace!

I called for him but my voice, I couldn't hear my own voice!

Your grace!

Panic starts to envelop me when I walk closer but I'm moving farther and farther away from him.

My vision blurs with all the forming tears inside, despite it I can clearly see a blue light, swiftly coming at me. A blue shard that is too familiar—

It flies at a light speed toward my chest, and before I know it, crimson starts to seep out of my white dress.

"You betrayed us." A voice echoes around me.

"I should have known from the start that you are a thorn..."

"...Life must have been so easy when you didn't get too close and play pretend with my siblings."

"Your intrusion only complicates things, you need to die, Y/N."

Tears race down my cheeks. This is unreasonable! I want to oppose but I can't utter words.

He hates me, it's not just an assumption.

Suddenly I'm torn between accepting it, or telling him that it's not true, to reason to him that my feeling is real, that I love him with all my heart, but I'm left to cry instead.

Both my knees buckle and I fall to the ground. The shards in my chest even stab deeper in me. I'm slowly losing the feel of my arms and legs.

But the pain in my chest remains.

My Duke I—


Day 33...

From my bed, I run towards the balcony door opening it to get some air. My chest hurts a lot, I can't breathe right. Standing there, suddenly my gut wrenches, forcing me to bend over but I can't bear the feeling and drop myself on the floor.

"It's just a dream," I tell myself, hand clutching the nightgown over my chest.

My other hand clenches in a tight fist. His words in that dream feel so real and it hurts a lot.

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