Part 26 - Wanted!

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I cannot contain my sob as I cry in between Wulric's embrace. They found me walking mindlessly on the street, while I was too afraid to let my emotions win because I don't want to be possess by that Monster again.

"I told you to leave, now you're crying like a lost puppy."

"Miraya," Wulric hushes her.

"No..." I shake my head while moving away from Wulric. "Aamon planned to call the Demon—" I sniff. "To revive my soul in exchange of his own." Saying it out loud really tears my heart into two.

"He will bring himself into doom if he does that," Wulric says.

And I look at him, fully aware of my tears flooding down my cheeks. "If only I went back that night..." I hang my words because another sob is threatening to erupt.

"Don't blame yourself, Y/N. You can't leave at that time because you're physically and emotionally weak. And even if you insist on leaving, you'll never last long on the road."

"Did he find out who you are?" Miraya, interrupts.

I nod, as I close my eyes.

"Did he get mad at you or something? Because if he does, then pack your things we are leaving, for real this time, Y/N."

"I'm sorry Miraya, I made up my mind...I'm going to stay. Even if Aamon doesn't like me around, I will stay."

Wulric places a hand over my shoulder. "Making a bargain with a demon is the riskiest thing to do, if the Duke of the House Paxley was planning to do it—he must have felt the same way as you do Y/N..."

A single drop of tears rolls down my face as I stare at him. It's possible, Aamon will not risk his soul for a random stranger. Does he—

" you should stay here and make it up with him."

"Brother!" Miraya exclaims with a scowl.

I nod with a tight smile. "Thank you, Master," I say while tears still flooding out my eyes. "Why are you here by the way?"

"You still have time to ask that while crying?" He flashes a side smile. "Will I'm here to send a message to the king from King Estes."

"You're a knight, not a messenger." I start to wipe my face.

"Because he's lying! He's here to see you obviously." Miraya pouts who's still upset, standing impatiently behind us.

Wulric then releases a scroll that floats above his hand. "Miraya, you might as well do the honor to give this to the king. Just don't start kicking when the tides don't come your way,"  he says.

And I'm here stifling a smile.

"Bother! Why are you so coward? After Stella's death, y/n is the first woman who made you smile so fondly—"

I can see a frown that crosses Wulric's face. It must be because Miraya mentions Stella. My Master's lover that died when the orcs attacked the Tree of Life. Everyone kept talking about it, saying that Wulric became cold after that incident.

"Let's go back, Y/N, you look terrible." He says while tugging me by the arm to walk with him.

"You two can really be a great couple. Only if Brother ain't a coward and Y/N ain't dumb!" Miraya's blurting her thoughts again that I am used to.

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