Part 19 - Gusion's Suffering

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The aroma of the food fills the air after a servant insists on bringing it into my room. Yet I just stare at it dejectedly. It's not my first time being ignored by him, yet it hurts more tonight, even though, I guess he just didn't notice me that time.

And my anxiety comes back, thanks to him.

Imagine me sitting here in a quiet room, in a spell-protected house, while him battling against the elders. Maybe that's the reason why he pays me no mind because I can't do anything to help him. I'm utterly useless, I can't even defend myself.

I wish I was not this vulnerable and powerless. I want to help them. I want to help Aamon.

My eyes find the dark view outside the window. "'re different Y/N, maybe you need your memory back to learn magic." Aamon never gave up on teaching me his techniques. I did, yet he never discouraged me from believing that one day, I'll wield my own magic.

I smile bitterly to myself, thinking that it's impossible.

I breathe in and out, a loud sigh. Tomorrow is another day, and for sure in his one simple gesture, all this overthinking will fade, like it always does.

After a few more pondering, I decided to check the balcony to see if the red eye ravens were around.

I lean sideways on the doorframe while listening to the sounds of crickets and timely hoots of owls. No more eerie cawing of ravens, I guess they are all gone. Though I can't deny the fact that something is odd. An obscure dark energy, that I have never felt before, is appearing and reappearing in the surroundings.

Is it Aamon's ward that is slowly breaking?

While I'm trying to be vigilant, in case something appears out of nowhere, a black feather passes through my field of view. I follow it until it lands on the balcony floor. An urge to pick it up is bugging me.

Suddenly a loud bang, makes me jump off the room floor towards the balcony.

Panic quickly surges in as I stare at Gusion's broken door.

Quickly I run to the other side, "Gusion?!" I call.

Terror envelopes me when he emerges, flying out of his room. Like an invisible force hurls him towards the balcony railings.

"Gusion!" I call his name again, terrified.

When he slowly recovers, my call continues. Yet he doesn't seem to notice me and he jumps off the balcony. My eyes follow him when he lands on the ground, he seems so weak, like he's fighting for his life...

No, it can't be!

My knees tremble as I pick up the black feather on the ground, and place it in my pocket. If my suspicion is wrong, then it must be the elders again, and I need this feather for evidence.

Emergency pouch!

I rush back inside pulling all the drawers. I need Eris's emergency pouch the one she gave me before she left this morning.

"...since brother will not come with you, and Evrin is too careless to be trusted."

After tossing another pillow, I finally found it. Eris's emergency pouch, where her tiny green spies are placed. It will help me find Gusion as soon as possible.

In the streets of Castle Aberleen...

Escaping the house is surprisingly easy like the whole house is empty. Not seeing a single servant is understandable since they might be in the kitchen or cleaning the attic, but the soldiers. There's not a single guard guarding the front gate of the house, or maybe Aamon brought them all with him.

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