Chapter 1: Awakening the Species.

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"Get the demon" shouted the angry mob which consisted of around fifty villagers, ten chunin, and even a jonin.

"Run, run, gotta keep running." thought the nine year old Naruto as he darted across the street, down the alley, that led to a training ground. Naruto slipped through a hole in a chain link fence that surrounded an ominous looking forest.

Naruto didn't give the forest a single glance as he dashed into hoping to get away from the mob that was chasing him. Little did he know that he had just enter the famed forest of death. Nor did he know know that he had entered forbidden sector that even hardened jonin hesitate to go in since that area contained lots of creatures and dangerous predators even unspeakable creatures within that forest.

The mob that had been chasing him stopped at the chain linked fence that surrounded the forest.

"Argh the damned hell spawn got away!" angrily shouted a nameless villager.

"Don't worry the fox will be dead before morning!" laughed the jonin sinisterly.

"why is that?" asked a villager.

"This is the forbidden sector of the forest of death. Even i would be hard pressed to survive in there." said the jonin. deciding they had finnally managed to kill the demon brat, the mob decided to go and celebrate.

Naruto leaned against a tree. He was tired and out of breath. his eye darted back and forth searching for any sign that the mob was still chasing. Something about this place is off.

"It's too quiet. The animals aren't making noise, this isn't natural. It as if something scared all the animals away, but what could scare off all the animals?" thought Naruto. but he didnt dwell on it as he decided it was better to keep moving. so he cautiously started walking keeping his guard up at all times.

He had been trekking through the forest for about a half hour, the entire time feeling as though he was being watched. when he heard a twig snap he swiftly turned around and what he saw was a giant bear and it looked real mean and vicious as it roared at Naruto and charged at Naruto going for the kill. Naruto was terrified.

It swiped at Naruto with its razor sharp claws. the claws missed him by mere inches as Naruto backed away the beast. The creature lunged at him hitting Naruto with its shoulder blade knocking him into hole under the trees, Naruto hit the bottom with thump as he fell deep as everything went black.

One whole hour later.

He groaned as he sat up "ugh what hit me" thought Naruto groggily as images of what happened before he blacked out flashed in his mind. He slowly sat up and noticed he was covered in black substance.

"Yuck! What is this stuffed I'm covered in!" He exclaimed as he looked around to see glass jars filled with green liquids and what look to be organs all over the room. The place looks like a old facility, Then turned towards two liquid-filled glass obelisks set before him.

Widening his blue eyes he saw two girls in the obelisks both blonde hair, lightly tanned skin like his, he wondered who were they?

Walking up on them he saw a old folder as he took it and opened it reading it.

"Test Subjects: Sil and Eve." He said out loud as he looked up at the two blondes they look like identical twins of some sort.

Something told him to free these girls. They looked to be around his age. He saw a red button on a console as he pressed it as the liquid obelisks drained as he walked up.

Knowing they are naked he looks around for something to cover them in, he spots two lab coats and takes them to the naked girls, blushing as he brought both of them out of their tanks and covered them.

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