Chapter 14: Training and Finals

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Konoha Hospital)

"How is Hiashi-sama doctor?" asked Ko Hyuuga

"Not doing good, he was put into cardiac arrest, his heart is badly damaged, his lungs are even slightly banged up, we're doing everything we can to heal him and get him back up to strength. He will have to remain bedridden for the whole month." said the doctor with Ko looking shocked.

"Do you know what caused his diagnosis.?" The doctor asked With Ko looking a bit tensed.

"Hurt in a training accident with his oldest daughter." Ko answered with the doctor raising an eyebrow.

" How unfortunate, I may have to run some tests." the doctor said walking off.

Ko decided to head back to the Hyuuga compound it seems he will have to inform the Hyuuga Elders of the situation.

( Hokage Office)

"So... You've met him I take it." Asked the Sandaime smoking his pipe.

"Yes I have... He's very angry with me..." Jiraiya said sadly

"Was his life really that hard here?" He asked seeing his sensei nod.

"Of course it was. Minato would be rolling in his grave if he knew the life his son lived.." Hiruzen said blowing smoke from his pipe.

"Don't forget Kushina... Knowing her temper rivals Tsunade's." Jiraiya remarked with Hiruzen nodding at that.

"So what will you do now? Will you enter In Naruto's life? Or-" Hiruzen said but Jiraiya cut him off.

"Of course I'm going to be in his life! Minato would not forgive me if I wasn't!" Jiraiya said seeing Hiruzen raise a eyebrow at that.

"What made my godson an adult all of sudden?" Jiraiya asked as his Sensei blew smoke from his pipe and answered Him by telling him the story of Naruto's life and relationship with those twins, even told the toad sage about Naruto made a few kills, that he killed Mizuki, Zabuza, Gato and Gato's thugs.

Jiraiya had a look of concern and serious face when his sensei told him that the two blondes were Orochimaru's former experiments.

"Those two are former experiments!? And you let my godson hang around that snake bastard's experiments!?" Jiraiya yelled.

"Well, to be frank with you Jiraiya, they became attached to him as Naruto felt it was his responsibility to look after them. It's as if he formed a bond with the twins and stuck with them thick and thin." Hiruzen answered seeing Jiraiya look away still in concern about His godson sticking around with his ex team mate's 'creations'

"Do you have any information on how they were created?" Jiraiya questioned seeing the Sandaime nod.

"Yes, right after Naruto found the two girls I had sent a team of ANBU to search the lab and to find anything of what Orochimaru might have kept down there." Hiruzen said pulling out a folder and giving it to Jiraiya who looked into it reading the file about Sil and Eve,

"So these two aren't normal? Just how did Orochimaru make them?" He wondered

"That I do not know, Naruto said these creatures they are becoming are from the stars..." Hiruzen explained with Jiraiya looking at him skeptically

"From the stars? And what did you just say? Naruto is a creature too!? Like those two?! How!?" Jiraiya demanded

"That I do not know either, the boy already doesn't trust me enough and that I'm already on thin ice with him I don't want to lose what trust I have with him." The Sandaime said seeing Jiraiya frown.

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