Chapter 24: Restore Kushina and Mikoto

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Jiraiya had returned to Konoha 4 days later empty handed the mission became a failure, his Sensei had already passed on before he got back, he was too late... Sarutobi Hiruzen the Sandaime Hokage died.

The Funeral was already arranged And that Jiraiya had taken the role as 5th Hokage due to him being the only "Loyal" and strongest Sannin in the village now.

It seems he will have to inform the council about Naruto and inform them of the kidnappings of Some of the missing Kunoichi that are probably linked with Naruto and that the man probably had already infected them and mated with them to breed his offspring.

Jiraiya has suspected that Naruto had infected some of the women in Konoha and had them brought into this "Fold" as he called it.

Naruto, his abomination for a godson, who stole Tsunade Senju from him.

The moment he saw the Bite mark on Tsunade's neck he knew then and there that Tsunade had been turned, infected and could say was bound to Naruto for the rest of her life as a baby making factory.

He sat on his desk clenching his fists.

Naruto had stole and fucked his "Woman" and made Tsunade give birth to his children without a care in the world, she birthed three more monsters.

Jiraiya was becoming very insanely jealous, hateful and very angry at Naruto. For taking Tsunade, fucked her, and made her have his own babies.

The moment he lost them, the man had to restrain himself from lashing out at anyone who dared mention about Tsunade.

She's gone now, his Tsunade is gone... she's no longer the woman he once lusted, she's now a alien and infected.

And Naruto was the one who turned her.

Damn Orochimaru for creating Those life creations of his that came from space.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru creating them, Naruto wouldn't have turned out like them and become infected.

Damn his Sensei for not at least keeping an eye on those two girls who changed Naruto and could have locked them away or had them both killed when the old man knew they were experiments of Orochimaru who could have endangered Naruto.

And Damn Naruto, who just let himself be infected and let it control him and have him go on a mating spree, breeding and infecting any woman in his sights. And the fact that Naruto fucked Tsunade and got her pregnant with triplets was what broke the camel's back now made Jiraiya Hate Naruto now. For not only stealing Tsunade but leaving his Sensei to suffer.

Jiraiya now has a duty as this village's Hokage. He must protect it and plan something to rid of Naruto, along with the infected women and all those offsprings.

Jiraiya fears that if Naruto keeps breeding so many women, the elemental nations would be overrun with the many Offsprings that will also go out and mate as well.

The cycle would continue over and over again.

He must come up with a way to stop this before it is too late.

Because the Elemental nations will soon have Uzumaki children who are aliens to continue their cycle of breeding to increase the population.

(Akatsuki HQ)

"He was too strong, kisame's sword refused to fight him, and not even I could fight him myself. " Said Itachi with Pain frowning.

"Now that the Kyuubi Jinchuriki has indeed become stronger, what's the plan now?" Said Sasori of the red sands With pain thinking about it.

"We will not get the Kyuubi Jinchuriki yet, we will wait until three years to train and get stronger to face him and his tailed beast." Pain said with others nodding

"And what about the other Jinchuriki?" Asked Kakazu

"We all will capture them in another three years, the first one we will target is the Ichibi, then the Nibi, the Sanbi is still in his host who is at war with Kiri, the rest will be talked about. Once three years are up." Said Pain

"For now lets prepare ourselves in three years." He said with everyone leaving except Zetsu.

"What do you need me to do?" Zetsu said looking at pain.

"I want you to keep an eye on the Kyuubi Jinchuriki, we must know exactly what we are dealing with, if what Itachi told me is true then the Kyuubi Jinchuriki will be even harder to handle than before if Kisame's sword fears him, and not even Itachi could face him." Pain spoke frowning

"We'll try and see what we can get." Said Black Zetsu as they sunk underground leaving pain alone to his thoughts.

( Back at Uzu)

Now that he succeeded in bringing Tsunade along with Shizune who both are medics they are now healing Kushina and Mikoto Uchiha back to recovery.

The kids of course were overjoyed when they have new siblings to play with.

He knows now that once they are recovered, he will have to infect them to give them a long ever lasting change.

He realizes that once they are infected the species gene, can give them ever lasting life and makes them completely ageless like they are stuck in between their 30's or mid 20's depends on how you look at it. The kids will soon mature in three months. And will become adults and will want to mate too.

It is as if they are immortal, they can't age, once they reach their maturity peak and they can heal rapidly at a fast rate, they are gifted with eternal youth, speed, strength, endurance, agility, intelligence, and let's not forget killer instincts of that of a Predator or Apex Predator how ever you look at it.

They can tell when looking for a potential mate or lover to help reproduce that one of their potential mates are inadequate or is carrying a disease or maybe could tell he or she is diabetic. They only want a pure healthy candidate to produce a healthy specimen.

He knows that infecting his mother is the right way to keep her alive. As for Mikoto Uchiha, she's a different story, she is perfect to breed a new species of Uzumaki and Uchiha, to think this is Sasuke's mother, had he and Sasuke been on good terms he would have returned Mikoto back to him, but after the disrespect Sasuke showed to Naruto destroyed that, and Naruto intends on getting back at the Uchiha brat by converting and corrupting his mother into his breeder and chosen mate.

And if Itachi Uchiha has a problem with that, Naruto can rid of both of Mikoto's sons and replace them with new ones that are special and perfect.

Getting up he decides to leave and go see his many wives and Children knowing they want to see him and of course his wives want to make love to him and have more babies with him.

(One Day later)

Kushina Uzumaki slightly opened her eyes as her vision was blurry, she fully opened her eyes leaning up she wondered where was she? The last thing she saw was being taken by Danzo after she sacrificed herself along with Minato to protect her son.

Turning to the left she saw another bed and widened her eyes at who was besides her, Mikoto Uchiha her best friend!? What is going on?!.

Mikoto started waking up as she opened her black eyes and leaned up as the last thing she remembered was being slain by her own older son, then she had blurred moments of being dragged and taken by Anbu with blank masks.

Turning to her right, she looked shocked at who was at her right.



Both said looking in shock before they could say anything else, they heard the door, the doorknob turned and opened revealing someone coming in.

Once they got a good look at who was coming in, they gasped and widened their eyes.

To be continued

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