Chapter 33: Birth of Spring Country

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Snow Country)

One day it has been since Naruto and co had came and restored peace, justice and freedom to Snow Country by giving the country back their Princess who will now be crowned as Daimyo of her land. As she had explained to her subjects that they were following a false Daimyo her uncle murdered her father. Now that has been issued a large party was set up for Koyuki and Naruto and co. The movie director had asked Naruto that could he be the male lead for a new movie that he's now cooking up since he recorded the fight and the alien transformations of Naruto's wives. Naruto of course agreed and that he would be honored to star in a movie with Koyuki.

The new movie was going to be called "Shinobi Species." With Koyuki as the female lead and Naruto as the male lead. Naruto's other wives and children are even being put in the movie.

Now pleased and happy Naruto and his company is partying with Koyuki while discussing the new movie that's being made up. If the movie becomes a success then their will be a sequel or maybe it will become a series. Featuring Naruto's other wives who would star in it, maybe he could bring in Sil and Eve in the next one so they wouldn't be left out.

(An: In my opinion I feel like the species franchise deserves a series. Since only 4 movies were made)

As for Fubuki, she is still Naruto's prisoner. Naruto had no interest in her though, yeah she's attractive but he's giving her to one of his sons to have as a mate. Which is her exact fate. She is now unconscious and been put to sleep by Kurenai's genjutsu.

Now Koyuki is Resting against her lover and Alpha as he sat on his chair drinking Sake as his other wives sat by him eating their meal.

Now that he infected the Princess he will await for her to transform then mate with her. And after that he returns home to turn and infect Mikoto Uchiha she is next to be turned. After that he will wait and see who else will be worthy to be turned and infected and his to claim. Since there are plenty of women out there that could be his to become his mates.

He knows there are other jinchuriki are there like him, two female ones... He had a vision of who the two Jinchuriki females looked like. One female was a blonde haired woman with Double C-Cups and were a clad purple outfit and wore a headband of Kumo. The other was a Mint green haired dark skinned girl with orange eyes with a nice figure. He will claim both of them. He knows the Akatsuki will target the two, and he will rid of them if it comes to that.

And so they celebrated their party of her becoming Daimyo. While he would secretly wait until she transforms.

She just may turn overnight.

He could hardly wait.

( Later on at Midnight)

Naruto would be in her Royal bedroom already looking at the cocoon that's against the wall. His wives are sleep and children, he already put a sign that says do not disturb so that no servants or samurai can come in.

In the next few hours at 4 in the morning the cocoon started to crack open which made him smile.

She came out with a curvaceous figure and firm hips and well endowed G-cups

Smiling at him as he smiled back and they both got on the bed.


He thrusted hard and deep into her as she Moaned.

"Yes! YES! Fuck me!" Koyuki Moaned out as Naruto kept thrusting his cock deep into her pussy she Moaned loud. Luckily he already placed sound proof barrier seals in her bedroom while she was in her cocoon, that way no one won't hear a thing of what's going on. Except his wives can see it from their telepathic views knowing he's being intimate with Koyuki and are being excited.

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