Chapter 8: In Waves

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Wave one day later)

After team 11's arrival to help protect the bridge builder and team 7. The group had set up traps and what not should Zabuza Momichi return. Now at the moment their Sensei Anko is training them and learning of their elemental affinities.

She learned Naruto has Fire, Wind and water.

Turns out both twins has both 4 affinities.

Sil possess Fire, Earth, Lightning and Wind.

Eve possess Lightning, Water, Earth and Fire.

Now having them review their tree walking exercise since she already taught them that weeks ago before they joined this mission. by manipulating chakra through their feet to climb up the trees.

Anko is currently watching her team progress with their training and survival skills. So far Zabuza hasn't attacked them yet, so they were being prepared.

Kakashi and his team looked on in envy at how balanced and what teamwork Naruto and the twins have.

It still wasn't fair that Anko of all people has a team let alone the student he needed. Naruto.

His current team lacks the teamwork they have. Naruto was needed to be Sasuke's rival and that Naruto was so much like Obito and Sasuke was like him almost. Then Sakura is like Rin.

His version of Team 7 was just incomplete without Naruto.

And another thing he didn't like about team and Anko, the Twins, Sil and Eve? Who are they? And where did they come from? And more importantly why is Naruto so attached to them?. None of it made sense to him. He knew about Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry in the academy that reminded him so much of Him and Obito back in the day. Those twins are strange and Kakashi has a feeling in his gut that these two are strange yet mysterious... He us going to keep a close eye on both of them.

Sasuke was eying Sil being around Naruto, she is a very perfect candidate to be his wife and birth strong Uchiha kids to restore his clan, maybe after he kills his older brother he can try to win both Sil and maybe Eve for their hands in marriage to help restore the Uchiha clan. He knows Sil is strong and he likes strong women.

Sakura could only look jealous as she followed Sasuke's look and see that he is staring at that Blonde Bitch Sil who is hovering over the Baka Naruto.

"Why can't Sasuke-kun look at me like that? What is it that Sil has that I don't!?" Thought Sakura with jealousy on her face.

"I know one thing for sure we can't let that blonde bitch steal our Sasuke-kun! We have to show sasuke -kun that we are much better than her!" Shouted Inner Sakura in her mind.

Sai was just Sai. Just being quiet and was staring at the team 11 too. Making a mental note to inform Danzo-sama about the Kyuubi Jinchuriki and his two teammates.

"Alright team! It's time for lunch!" Anko cheered with a grin as she took out some Dango As Naruto, Sil and Eve all followed their sensei to eat lunch.

Later on in the evening it was dinner time.

While the two teams were eating dinner that Tsunami made for them a boy named Inari came in ranting.

"Why do you all try so hard? You'll just die like all the rest. Gatō is too strong!" Yelled Inari while Naruto looked at the boy with a frown.

"If you want pity from someone for your so called 'hard life' don't even think of coming to me. You don't know the meaning of the words that come out of your mouth." The boy had enough sense to back away from the glare, but Naruto's words just made him angrier.

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