Chapter 45: Fall of Iwa and Family Reunion final

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safe House)

The sound of fighting and clanging erupted at the area.

Kisame is fighting both the Kyuubi's brats. Azula is fighting him with two kunai's while Saeko fought with her sword. Maybe she could defeat Kisame and take his sword that devours chakra.

"Hmm this is getting Fun. Never thought you brats would give me trouble." Remarked Kisame looking at the two.

"We did get training from our parents." Azula pointed out

"Ah yes. I see and I'll have to hand it to the Kyuubi brat. He did a good job, it's been awhile since I've had a good fight." Kisame says lunging at the two with his sword, Azula weaved hand seals.

"FireStyle: Fireball Jutsu!" Azula says with her Sharingan on. Kisame evaded it having fought Itachi before he was careful knowing his partner is a an Ace at Fire Style.

Saeko lunged forward at attempted to strike her sword at Kisame, who blocked her blow and pushed her back while Azula tossed a kunai with a paper bomb attachment on it. The Shark man risen a pillar of water to take the kunai as it exploded.

"Water Style: Shark Bomb Jutsu!" He says unleashing a large water shark at Azula.

"FireStyle: Phoenix fire flame Jutsu!" She breathed jet flames at the water shark destroying it causing a steamy mist around them.

Saeko reached into her pouch grabbed several kunai and tossed them all at Kisame who evaded them while grinning. But what Kisame failed to notice was that one of the Kunai's has a seal on it.

Frowning lightly then eyes grew wide as he noticed Saeko was infront of him and then went pass him with her sword in hand

"Flying Raijin Slice!" Saeko uttered

Kisame for his part stood there in shock as he coughed up blood and dropped his sword, he couldn't believe it... these brats... bested him...

He suddenly felt disconnected from his waist... meaning she cut him from the waist down...

Before his torso could fall off his waist. Azula finished him off with another fire Jutsu ending the shark man once and for all.

Saeko walked over to the burned body of Kisame and picked up Samehada. The sword shivered in submission once it was picked up my Saeko meaning she is it's new wielder now with Kisame dead.

Itachi barely had time to react to Kisame's death. As he was dealing with his mother. Avoiding and blocking her sword strikes.

The two broke away and stared at each other.

"Why? Mother? Why are you with him?" Itachi asked

"Because Itachi... he saved me from Danzo's clutches and made me brand new. As you could see.. I am evolved into a much greater being." Mikoto says

"Evolved how?" He questioned

"Allow me to show you." She says shifting her Sharingan into the Mangekyo Sharingan.

"How..?" He blinked.

"After Naruto-kun saved me... and made me better. My Sharingan has developed greater along with awakening the Mangekyo. Now do you understand?" Seeing him still standing.

"You have two sisters and one brother. They would have loved to meet you. But it seems that is not happening. Because you want to kill their father." Mikoto says charging at Itachi with speed that he was not prepared for and kicked him in the stomach knocking him back As he grunted in pain clutching his stomach as he vomited blood.

"Look at you. Your sick." She says looking down at her son with him looking up to her in shock how did she know?

"Wondering how I knew? You see... we can see if you are healthy or not... like say that you have a disease or that you have a disability. If our male partners have that then they are not worthy to give us a child. You my son are one of them who may not be worthy to mate." Mikoto explains as he progressed what she was telling him.

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