Chapter 9: In waves part 2

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With Naruto)

"My name is Haku..." Haku said looking at Naruto.

He stared at her features and into her beautiful face.

"You look so beautiful..." He said now getting up.

"Why thank you, what is your name?" Asked Haku who's cheeks slightly blushed.

"Naruto Uzumaki." He answered stepping towards her as he unknowingly flared a pheromone, and could hear the creature within him tell him to infect her.

Haku herself felt her body heated when he got so close, she couldn't understand what is happening. Why did she feel so hot? Why did she feel these urges to kiss the boy she just recently met? She blushed heavily staring into his face.

Claim her.

Infect her..

He could hear the creature's demands, telling him to infect her claim her now.

Pulling her to him, and has his arms around her waist.

"N-Naruto-Kun?" She husked out, her mind was hazy

"Ha-Haku..." He rasped out as his face was inches closer to her. His lips fell on hers.

"Mmm..." Haku moaned kissing Naruto back, closing her eyes. Naruto slid his tongue in her mouth as their tongues clashed, he clutched her waist with his claws. His tongue started to go down her throat extending it and injecting the virus into her to infect her, retracting his tongue they broke the kiss, as she moaned slightly looking into his now crimson eyes, he was partially transforming he had canines for teeth as he leaned down her neck and bit her, marking her as his future mate.

She flinched slightly and feeling the teeth sink into her skin.

Her pupils dilated feeling the Species virus infect her molecules and DNA... It was changing her very systems.

Haku started to have dreams of becoming an exotic creature and being besides her Alpha... Her Alpha is Naruto Uzumaki. Mating with him and breeding her. All of a sudden her loyalty to Zabuza was fading and that her loyalty should lie with Naruto.

She started to pass out as he caught her.

He laid her down gently on the ground before smelling her inhaling her scent along with the scent of Zabuza and Gato and the demon brothers.

Putting her down he walked forward to follow their scent in the Dusk night.

It seems he will have to remove them. In order to keep Haku with him.

( With Sil and Eve )

Eve was busy sleeping while Sil wasn't, she was awake, worried for Naruto as she continues to stare out the window almost waiting for him to come back to them and sleep with them.

Looking at her twin sibling, she wondered should she go out and look for him while she remains here. Walking away from the window and went towards her sleeping sister shaking her softly which woke her up.

"What's wrong Sister?" Asked Her twin

"Naruto hasn't came back yet. We need to go find him." Sil said with her twin frown a bit.

"Shouldn't we inform Anko-Sensei?" Eve asked seeing Sil shake her head.

"It's best not, we should find him, I need you to stay here until I get back and find him." Sil said going for the window but her twin followed her.

"No, I'm going with you, he is both ours, let's find him together and if Anko-sensei does know that we snuck out we can tell her our reasoning." Said Eve seeing Sil sigh as she nodded.

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