Chapter 37: Curiosity Banged the Cat. Part 1

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Naruto stares at Shizuka who stares back at him.

He smiled. Pleased that he didn't have to find her instead he came to her.

"So tell me. What brings you here to see me?" He asks with a smile that never left his face.

"I came to find you. You are my betrothed. Jiraiya was your Sensei was he? He promised me a student of his choice to be my husband." She says with Naruto smiling and chuckling

"I see. I trust he told you I've gone rogue I presume?" He asks as she nodded.

"Figures, he probably said that just to keep her away from me. How unfortunate that she actually came here looking for me. Guess I didn't have to go looking for her." Naruto thought with a smile.

"And now that I found you. I want to see if you are truly strong." She says clenching her fist

"Oh? Test my strength? Alright I'll play your little game." He says with her charging at him and readied her fist.

"Nadeshiko-Style: Hardliner Gale Fist!" exclaimed Shizuka, as she tried to send her right fist, now covered in wind natured chakra into Naruto, and what happened next surprised the kunoichi.

"Hmmm?" Naruto says as he caught her fist and what surprised her more was that his eyes has shifted into the Sharingan.

"Care to try that again?" He says with amusement as she broke free and backflips getting ready for another attack. She then pulled out kunai preparing the kunai in her hands.

"Nadeshiko-Style: Deep Crimson Dance Performance!" exclaimed Shizuka before she began throwing every kunai in her possession at Naruto with deadly accuracy.

Unfortunately, she did not count for Naruto's speed to outmatch that of Shizuka's barrage weapons, and get within striking distance of her. Something the Nadeshiko kunoichi now learned the hard way, as she was punched hard in the stomach, and then thrown into a nearby tree.

"Had enough?" He asks while she looks up at him in shock that he's really strong.

"If you must know.. the reason I am fighting you in this test is because. It is the tradition of my Shinobi village to seek out the strongest male we can find in hopes of being defeated in combat before taking the said male back to our village to marry into it. It allows us to produce only the strongest kunoichi in our village where women hold most if not all the power in it," explained Shizuka with Naruto raising an eyebrow in interest maybe his sons could marry some promising Kunoichi from the village.

She observed him. He's truly strong and fast. Her ex lover wasn't like this. She now knows she will bare a strong Kunoichi with Naruto.

"So now I am your wife since you have defeated me." She says with him nodding.

"Yes and this would mean your village is now allied with my village. You'll like it here in Uzu." Naruto would say flaring his pheromone upon her as her mind suddenly clouded and she has a glazed look at Naruto.

"What is this?" She thought trying to fight this hot feeling within her as she watched him come to her close as the pheromone got stronger when he was close to her as she almost felt weak in the knees by his lust inducement pheromone.

And before asking what is he doing he leaned in and kissed her on the lips transmitting the virus into her. As her pupils shrinked feeling the virus infect her molecules, her DNA and blood. As she herself had kissed him back now subdued to him and his touch as he then bit her on the neck marking her.

He now claims her.

"So... what now?" She asks looking at him.

"Come. Let me show you around your new home, including my other wives they would love to see you." He says as the two began to walk away heading back to his house to see the others.

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