Chapter 38: Curiosity banged the cat part 2.

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Zetsu had instantly reported of what became of Kakazu and Hidan and that the Kyuubi Jinchuriki was there and killed the two of them along with taking the Nibi Jinchuriki with him.

"This is disturbing news... indeed.." Says Pain with Konan looking worried.

"Doesn't change a thing! I bet that freak wouldn't last against my art!" Says Deidara with Sasori rolling his eyes.

"What makes you so sure? Did you forget that he bested both Hidan and Kakazu? Who were both rumored to be immortal? And are zombies at one point!?" Says Kisame with Itachi staring at the two. As Deidara waved his hand in annoyance.

"Oh please! They both got careless in their mission to get the Nibi. If anything the blonde Bastard got lucky." Deidara says.

"What baffles me is that how did he know that they were after the Nibi Jinchuriki?" Asked Konan looking at pain who was silent thinking on this.

"This is really disturbing. I'm just as confused as the rest of you, of how he knew. It's not possible for him to know of our motives." Pain says with a frown.

"So what will we do now? With the loss of both Kakazu and Hidan?" Says Itachi with a calm look.

"I'm afraid we will have to postpone our hunt and train ourselves to combat Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki. We will train within a year or longer than that to prepare ourselves against him. Then we focus on capturing the rest of the Jinchuriki." Says Pain with others now nodding at this now going to consider the idea.

They dismissed themselves.

But in the shadows, stood a figure wearing a orange spiral mask, with a Sharingan eye glowing, as he clenched his fists in anger and frustration at hearing the recent news of what became of Kakazu and Hidan, along with Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki getting stronger. Which could pose a problem for his plans. He not only bested Orochimaru who was a former member of his akatsuki but wiped out both Kakazu and Hidan?

How is this possible?!

He punched a hole in a nearby wall.

"I knew I should have killed that damn brat when I had the chance. Now he's ruining everything!" He growled.

He was not going to let this bastard stop his plans for the eye of the moon plan.

It seems he will have to train himself too, knowing that should the Akatsuki fail in defeating Naruto and capturing the Jinchuriki, it all falls to him to do it.

"You'll pay for this." He hissed narrowing his eye.

( Uzu)

Three days later. Naruto had returned with a already bitten Yugito. He had bitten her and infected her. She will likely turn soon. He put her in the basement next to Shizuka's cocoon. After he left she herself had began to mature and went inside her cocoon to transform.

He watched as a cocoon started to manifest out of yugito's skin and began to cover her.

He smiled looking at his next mate.

His family is expanding. Getting much bigger. He leaves to go see his other mates. He knows some of them desire more sex and more children.

He goes to mate with one of them.

He spots Sil, Haku, Ahri , Tsunade and Yugao.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

"Want some lovin ladies?" He says with the five of them nodding and wanting such intimacy.

"About time. Let's do it while the others are tending to the kids." Says Sil with the others nodding in agreement as they went to the bedroom to her intimate.

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