Chapter 15- Date Night

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Skye and I spent the whole of last night just talking about how amazing our first day had been and how we couldn't wait for the first day of Vidcon in 2 days!

When we woke up it was 11am and Skye had fallen asleep leaning against my bed.

"Skye!! It's 11am" is said nudging her with my elbow

"What?" She said rubbing her eyes


"Alright alright calm down and let me wake up first"

" how about I have a shower and get dressed whilst you get some food and then maybe you could help me do my hair?"

"Food.... Yes that sounds good. See you back here in half an hour"

"Okay see you soon" I said walking into the bathroom

Okay I have like 20 minutes to have a shower and then get dressed. I thought to myself.

After I had done all of that Skye knocked on my door "come in" I shouted

"Hi... Wow Evie you look amazing" she said trying to balance all of the plates on her arm

"Aha thank you" I said taking some of the plates before she dropped them "Skye how much food did you need to make"

"Well quite a lot seeing as I missed breakfast" she laughed

"Oh wow"

"Okay quick eat up so we can do your hair"

"Yes oh and thank you this looks really good" I said staring down at the BLT sandwiches she had made for us

"No problem"

We ate all of the food surprisingly and then Skye did my hair into one of the really cute waterfall braids. I mean she may be a gamer but she's amazing at doing other people's hair!

Looking into the mirror I said to her "thank you so much this is so pretty"

"My pleasure.. Now you need to get downstairs he's going to be here and moment!!" She said looking at her watch.

She was right after all that time it was nearly 1pm, I ran down the stairs just in time to hear the bell ring

"Byeee have fun... But not too much fun" Skye screamed at me before I opened the door

I rolled my eyes and shouted "thank you see ya later"

I opened the door to see Nathan stood there in smart but casual clothes... I love it when boys wear types of clothes like that. He had a navy blue button up shirt and a pair of chinos on... Man was he cute

"Wow Evie you look.. Perfect" he said to me

"Awh thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I said smiling

"Ready to go" he said pointing at his convertible.

"Yeah, so where are we going" as we walked up to the car.

"You will find out when we get there" he laughed

We were driving for about 15 minutes when we reached the sea front. I hadn't seen the sea yet apart from in the plane. It was stunning ... I mean I don't know how a beach can be stunning but it was. The white sand and the clear turquoisey blue sea. It was truly magnificent, there was a huge pier right on the beach so I guessed that's where we were going.

He parked the car and opened my door for me and said "we are here"

"This looks so cool"

"It is just wait until you get inside!"

He grabbed my hand and started to run inside. When we got inside I could not believe what I was looking at! Coloured lights lit up the arcade and there were little diners around the outside so you could go outside and look at the sea. It's was awesome.

That's when u realised that Nathan was still holding my hand... I liked it, it was as if his hand was made to fit mine!

He started to walk over to one of the diners and the waitress seated and served us! It was a proper 60's diner and I absolutely loved it. We ordered our food and Nathan said to me "I love this place, it has the best diners in town and definitely the best view of the sea"

"Yeah I can see that.. It's amazing"

Our food came really quickly and we obviously ate it :) It tasted so good.. It was nothing like what you would get in England! When we had finished I was stuffed, we walked out of the diner and into the arcade again.

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