Vidcon- Day 7

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3rd person POV

The group of YouTubers sombrely stumbled through the doors of Vidcon for the last day... the panels. There were two panels due to happen today one for the Vloggers consisting of Joe (ThatcherJoe but you should know that by now he has been in over half the story), Caspar, Zoella, Alfie (pointlessblog) and Marcus. With the other panel consisting of the Gamers Sean (Jack or Jacksepticeye... yes his real name is Sean), Mark (Markiplier), Bob (myskerm), Wade (LordMinion777), Aaron (Yamimash).

Joe and Evie were walking hand in hand as were Jack and Skye and Zoe and Alfie...

Skye's POV

I walked through the doors of Vidcon whilst talking and joking with Jack and holding his hand... we were surrounded by all our YouTuber friends, it feels weird calling them my friends but kind of cool. I looked at my hand that was entwined with my amazing boyfriends, it felt so surreal like a dream... I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Jacks warm hand start to slowly caress my cheek. I slowly looked up and my attention was drawn to his baby blue eye, I felt myself getting lost in his eyes.

"Skye... Skye... SKYE!" Jack yelled at me, snapping me out of my thoughts once more.

"I'm sorry" I stammered as Jack looked at me with concern and care in his eyes.

"Skye is everything okay, you don't seem like yourself today?" the Irish lad asked me concern lacing his voice as he spoke.

"I'm fine" I replied quietly.

"Are you sur-"... "I'm fine Sean" I cut him off, not meaning to sound as harsh as I did. "I... I'm sorry Jack... I... I didn't mean to say that" I started to panic and stutter.

"hey hey hey,  it's ok don't worry about it, just as long as your ok" he said calmly and sweetly.

"ok shall we go and look around then" I said hoping that I would convince Jack that I was ok.

"Sure babe anything you want" he said as we wandered off into the crowds of people...

"You might regret that later" I told him with a wink before letting go of his hand and running off into the sea of people.

Jacks POV 

I walked into Vidcon holding Skye's hand. Damn I love her! We were all laughing and joking around but Skye didn't seem like her normal self so I decided to bring it up... I softly touched her cheek and she looked up at me but I could still tell that something was bothering her.... something was on her mind and I was going to try and find out so that I could fix it! Even if it took all day!

"Skye...Skye...SKYE!" I said trying to snap her out of this weird trance she was in

"I'm sorry" she stammered

I asked her if she was okay but she just cut me off and then apologised, I said it was fine but I was determined to fix whatever was going on... but first I would try to cheer her up and see if that would help. She asked if we should go look around and I said yes. she winked at me and ran off into the sea of people....

The Panels (still Jacks POV)

Everyone walked around Vidcon until we were told that we had to go to the panels. A lot of fans came up to us whilst we were walking around, I love it when they come up and see us even if its in the middle of the street because it shows that our fans are confident and that we have fans everywhere!  I always laugh when they say that my Irish accent sounds even better in person than it does over a screen. Skye got some weird looks from some of my fans but most of them knew her too and wanted a picture with both of us which was awesome! I love it when they are supportive of Skye and I.

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