"Motherly love"

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                                                                              Trigger Warning

                                                                       Includes Abusive Mitsuki

                          Bakugos POV:                                                                                 Age:  3

Today mommy told me that if I cry then I'm weak, so I'll try not to cry for her! Maybe then she'll be happy with me. And maybe she'll hug me. So I'll try my best!

I jump off my bed and happily change into a new pair of clothes. I wish mommy would help me out but she told me that she thought it was gross. And I don't wanna gross her out so I decided I'll do it myself. Dad offered to help me out but mommy got really upset for some reason. Anyways that's not the point. The point is that I'm much more independent then everyone else my age. Which is like.. 1... 2.... 3! 3 years old. I put on a blue shirt and shorts. I then walk downstairs to see dad cooking food, so I go and sit on the couch. 

Time skip to after breakfast:

        After Breakfast dad went to work whilst mom stayed to take care of me for the day since I didn't start preschool until tomorrow. "Hey brat" my mom calls out to me. I turn my head to look at her better and see her smirking towards me. I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "Yes mommy..?" Her smirk suddenly turns to a glare and I realize I messed up. "Yes ma'am" I correct myself. She smiles again and reaches her arms out. I gleam towards her. I jump to my feet. Mommy wants to hug me! I run over to her and hug her legs. She squats and I'm able to hug her chest. "You know mommy loves you right..?"  I nod into her chest, scared that if I let go she might leave forever. 

"And that I would never hurt you right?" I look up at her and nod my head once again. The sweet voice she uses instantly soothes me and makes me believe every word she says. She stands up and I hide that I'm sad that she let go. "You must never show weakness, alright?" She uses the same sweet voice and I mindlessly nod my head. "Yes ma'am".


Mommy would never hurt me...





She slaps me hard against my face and screams harsh words, some I can make out whilst others are incoherent nothings.

Tears run down my face as I curl into a ball as to protect my body. Just days ago she was hugging me now shes slamming me into the ground, kicking my sides, and punching my face. I don't know what I did wrong.. What did I do to deserve this? She said she'd never hurt me. She said so.

She said so.

She said so.

The words cloud my mind and all I can seem to think about is the worthless promise my mother swore. But she would never lie.. 

She kicks me hard on my right side and I gasp for air while giving her an opening as she swings her fist left and right. At some point she decided she had enough and left me to fend for myself while I tried desperately to move my body in some way. I eventually got up and headed for the door. I wanted to scream but I don't want mommy to get a headache because of me. So I quietly exit. I start walking when I see a small boy. He looks my age and has hair like a broccoli. Who I assume to be his mom sees me and immediately rushes over. 

"Oh my gosh sweetie are you alright!" Her voice is concerned but I don't trust her. She might hurt me. The boy follows suit and if possible seems more worried. He grabs onto his moms shirt and stares at me intently. "I'm f-fine". 

        'No! Why did I stutter! Moms going to hate me even more because that's a sign of weakness, and if that's the case then she'll have to waste more time on me then before and-'

My thoughts are cut off by someone grabbing my hand. I turn to see the boy, holding my hand whilst dragging me somewhere. I immediately retract my hand and start backing up. I turn to run then remember why I was outside in the first place. I fall but don't hit the ground. Instead I feel soft hands holding me up. "I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to frighten you. I just want to help get you all better." The lady who caught me smiles brightly, and though deep down I hate to admit it, it was the most motherly smile I had ever gotten. Maybe that's why I let her carry me back to her house so she could help my wounds.

A/N- Sorry if it's not that good, just let me know how you feel about it so far in the comments :)

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