My happiness

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Another song that goes with this chapter ^

Dekus POV:

As I lay in bed, thoughts about kacchan consume my mind. The worry that bubbled up in my chest the day I saw him when I went out for a jog still lingered.

What did he mean when he asked why I cared? Did he think I didn't? But the thought that truly stuck out to me was how sad and miserable he looked. The bags under his eyes were darkened and he looked like he hadn't eaten in days. His hair was even less spikier than usual. Maybe I should've asked him to come over. Maybe I should've gotten him to stay out longer at least.

I was scared. Scared that something even worse would happen to him. I should be happy. Happy that I made it in to UA. But at the moment my brain is occupied and I can't focus on anything else but kacchan.

Would he even want my help? Probably not knowing him.. But I still want to try just in case. I think for a while before I make the decision to pay a visit to his house. It's probably a bad idea but I don't know what else to do at this point.

So I slip on a jacket, grab my my phone and head to the door. I then slip on my shoes and head to his house.

When I arrive I hear yelling going on as well as someone trying to calm the owners of the voices down. I take a deep breath in and knock.

Bakugous POV:

Since my dads been here the old hag hasn't done a lot other than a few hits here and there. She spends most of her time either yelling or ignoring me. Which I don't mind her ignoring my presence.

At the moment we're having a yelling match and just before I could counter her argument there was a knock. The old hag yells at me to get the door. I grunt before walking over to see who the fuck is coming over so late. When I open it I go wide eyed at the person standing there.

"Deku?" I'm surprised that I didn't stutter but eternally grateful.

"Hey um.. Could we talk?"

I try and compose myself before walking out with deku and closing the door behind me.

"What?" I try and sound annoyed but it comes out softer than I intended to. He looks up at me whilst twiddling his fingers before going to speak.

"I wanted to make sure that kacchans okay." He stated though it sounded more like a question.

I grunt and turn my head.

"I'm fine nerd."

"No, no your not." My eyes widen and I don't know what to say. What are words again and how do I use them. All Japanese lessons I had ever taken were long forgotten and all I could do was stand is disbelief. Who was he to accuse me if I was okay or not. Who gave him the right to say i wasn't. But all my thoughts vanished as began to speak again.

"Your eye bags are darker and your more distant. You look like you have barely eaten and you look so.. so hurt. Kacchan I hate seeing you so sad. Heck you don't even seem angry anymore."

I can't move, I can't speak, all I can do is listen.

"I wanna help you, but I can't if you don't let me in! So please.. Just... Let me help you."

The walls that I spent all my time building, that I carefully made and constructed to be the strongest. Came crashing down with the last sentence. Gut wrenching sobs escaped my lips and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just wanted love. I just wanted someone to overlook the tough, rude exterior I portrayed. But someone did. And it was the person whom I hurt. Who I tortured for the last few years. Who I so desperately wanted to protect from my mothers wrath but instead strangled him in mine.

I'm so weak, and pathetic.

I couldn't even protect him from myself so how was I supposed to protect anyone else. My knees suddenly gave out and I collapsed to the ground. Holding my shirt like my life depended on it.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be so weak. I didn't mean to I swear. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."

I muttered sporadic apologies. For being weak, and selfish. For being pathetic and worthless to the point of nothingness. I wanted to take back everything I had ever done. I wanted to fix everything I broke. But I couldn't. And for that I hate myself. I absolutely despise Katsuki Bakugou.

I suddenly felt warm hands embrace me tightly. I wrap my arms arms around their waist not willing to ever let go. He whispers soft, encouraging words that make my heart flutter at the sound of his voice. He rubs circles on my back while shifting us into a more comfortable position. I nuzzle my head into his shoulder and relax in his touch.

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"It's okay kacchan I'm here now, and I won't let her hurt you ever again."

He says it so certain and protective that I almost believe him. He rocks me back and forth and I start to control my tears. I lift my head up and he wipes the rest of them off my face. He smiles sweetly and I feel blush creep up to my cheeks. I ignore it though because all I feel at this moment is pure happiness.

All I know right now is Izuku. Because he

is my happiness.

A/N- Ay another post! I hope everyone has a wonderful day/evening/night! And for reading this crappy story :)

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