Pure Bliss

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A/N- A heads up that I in fact did not edit this a lot so sorry for any errors. Also credits to the amazing artist.

He pauses and takes a deep breath. "But.. I can't if you keep trying to block me out like this. You always have and always will be my best friend." He looks at me and we lock eyes.

"I lo-"



As he starts to say something we hear a loud crash and instinctively turn to where the noise  came from. A young girl scrambles from the floor and rushes to get napkins. I ignored it but deku went to go help clean the mess. Though as he turned to jog over I saw the faintest blush make its way up to his cheeks.

I wanted to dismiss it but the thought kept replaying in my head. Was he going to say he loved me? But why? Why would he love someone like me? Why does he even stick by my side?

I have so many questions that stay unanswered. That go unknown by everyone. I can just pray that it stays that way.

I can just pray that things get better, that my feelings disappear and that I can put this behind me.

Though fate has never listened to my prayers.


As I walk down the street with deku by my side, awkwardness consumes us.  I feel the urge to ask about what he said earlier but I push it down. Fear flushes my thoughts and I scrunch my face. He must've read my thoughts because moments later he stopped walking. 

I stopped as well and turned my body to face him. The sunlight that was left of the sun hit his face perfectly. His eyes shined a bright emerald and his hair slightly blew with the wind. His freckles covered his nose and rosy cheeks endearingly. He looked down in shame and guilt. His bright eyes filling with tears and fear. 

"Before at the arcade I was going to tell you something."

I felt my face go ill and I stiffened.

He took a shaky breath and gripped at his shirt. Just above his heart he tightened his fist. He took a hesitant step forward and my breath hitched.

"Kacchan I..."

Tears slid down his cheeks and I felt something pinch at my heart. I wanted to make all of his pain and fear disappear. No matter how cliche or dumb it sounds. That is truly what I felt. 

"I-i love you, and I always have."

My eyes widen and I feel myself stumble a little. Though I had a face full of fear my heart was jumping with glee. 

"You can't" I eventually mutter out.

He looks surprised by this. "Why?"

He speaks so quietly, and his body shrinks down. I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes. 

"Because I'm.. I just-"

"Because you just what?"

I feel my heart shatter at the cold tone in his voice and I look straight at him. His eyes shone with confusion and sadness. His hands clenched at his sides. I knew I couldn't let this go on so I let my pride and fear of what others would think slip my grasp.

"Because look at us Izuku! All I do is hurt you!"

His eyes widen and he suddenly gets a determined look in his eyes.

"But I know you don't want to kacchan, I saw the concerned look in your eyes that day. I saw how you would yell at anyone who took it too far. I know you blame yourself for every wrong thing that happens. I know you care. I know YOU."

Tears flowed out of my eyes and I felt a feeling that I can't describe. The feeling of relief and gratitude. The feeling of love and care. The feeling of being seen. For me and not my grades. Not my accomplishments and not my mistakes.

I felt truly and utterly loved by this boy. It was unconditional love that no one else seemed to understand. It was everything I prayed for as a kid. It was what I longed for in my so called "home."

Tears stained my shirt and I somehow knew that things would turn out okay.

He stepped forward and grabbed my hands. 

"I love you because you're you and no one else."

I tched and looked down at our hands. "Is this really okay. Is it really okay for me to be this happy?"

He smiles his lovely smile and nods. 

"Kacchan will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend?"

"Yea you damn nerd."

His smile grows and he wraps me in his arms, I smile into his warmth. He holds me tight and I sigh of relief. Years of torment, grief, fear, confusion, and pain all feels worth it if it leads me to this moment every time.

Pure bliss and happiness.

A/N- this chapters really short but I hope it brings a smile to your faces.

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