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TW: Mentions of abuse

Slight cussing

Age: 12

I stare in horror as I take in the words my mom just spoke.

'Izuku.. weak..'

The thought had never once crossed my mind, and I had never wanted it to either. 8 years ago Izuku was told he had no quirk, and that he wasn't going to be getting one either. People usually saw this as weak, but Izuku and his mom were the only people who really cared.

Sure there was my dad, but I know he knows something. Or at least hes been ignoring the constant bruises and cuts that show up every time he comes back home. He acts all sweet and nice but doesn't do crap when it comes to something actually important.

But Izuku and auntie. No. They have always cared and have always helped. I would protect them with my life if it came to it. But I would never admit that to them, but I think they know anyways. They're the two strongest people I know at least internally. Sure Auntie isn't good at fighting but she is good at taking care of and loving her family. Something that seems foreign to my parents.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my mom start talking again.

"Try and act all nice and friendly with him again and I'll pay them a little visit"

I knew that was probably an empty threat because she would never want to ruin her reputation. Along with how her and Auntie were friends. But something in me hurt when she said that. And I felt scared. Scared that she would hurt Izuku. So instead of yelling, screaming, telling her no. I said..

"Fine, just don't touch them"

She smiled that smile that I knew all too well. It said so many things but it all came to one conclusion. That she had won.


Age: 13

"Hah stupid deku thinking you could actually be a hero. As if"

I threw his loved notebook down on his desk, it had brown stains and tears from me using my quirk on it. I looked at him in the eye and instantly felt regret. Regret that I listened to her. To that godforsaken women. I didn't address her as "mom" anymore. Only as "old hag" for that's all she is and that's all she ever will be.

I felt lost, and torn. Like I had lost the only thing precious to me. Because I did, and I regretted it every day. I wanted to cry, scream, beg for forgiveness. But I couldn't. Not until I found myself out of her grasp, out of her reach. Then I could run away with Izuku and buy Auntie a house, a good one. The house of her dreams. She would never have to worry about rent again. Then I could marry Izuku and we'd be the strongest duo. I knew it was far fetched but I knew I was gonna be number 1 and one by one I would achieve that goal.

People would laugh if they knew what I strive for, so I kept my mouth shut about it. Only expressing how I'd be number 1 hero.

As I walked away with my "friends" I glance one more time at Izuku or what I call him now "deku". He had a hurt, confused look on his face. Like he was trying to grasp the reason for why I suddenly changed. I knew I could easily say the reason, but if I do would he hate me for it? Because I was so weak I couldn't even stand up to my own mother. That I didn't care about him enough to even try.. But I do care. I care so much it hurts that I just cant risk him getting hurt.

But at what cost if I'm hurting him? I push the thoughts to the back of my head as I was suddenly at the front of my house. The memories of being thrown, punched and kicked flood my mind. Until I see two familiar cars parked in the driveway. My dads and.....

Aunties car?

I rush inside taking my shoes off quickly and rushing to the dining room. I spot my mom, dad, auntie, and Izuku at the table. Izuku was the first to see me and he gave a nervous smile. Even if there was nervousness that surrounded him, his eyes still expressed love and care towards..


It was so much more different than my moms. It was sweet and lovely. It was real.

Auntie and mom noticed me next. Auntie immediately jumping up and crushing me in a hug.

"Oh Katsuki its been a while since I've seen you." I smile and hug back enjoying the comfort she radiates. She eventually lets me breathe and lets go. "Yea it has." I blandly reply to her comment. I sit beside Izuku and almost instantly feel guilt at the sight of his hands.

When we were younger Izuku picked up a habit to scratch at his hands or bite his nails when scared or nervous. Sometimes he would even open skin, and to say it worried me was an understatement.

As we sat I saw him start to scratch his hand a bit and on instinct I put my hand on top of his without looking at him. I then grabbed his hand and held it to where my mom wouldn't see. I saw him blush a bit before he smiled and started eating again with his left hand. He was right handed but he had gotten pretty used to using his left hand to eat.

I felt myself relax knowing he was safe with his hand in mine. I eventually let go to put my dish away, and instantly felt cold. The warmth that once filled my hand being empty.

I knew I wouldn't have that warmth for a long time before it would lay in my hand again.


Age: 14

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building"

As soon as I said those words I regretted it.

I felt worthless, like a complete dick. And I was.

Last night I tried telling the old hag I didn't want to stay from Izuku nor to hurt him. I got the beating of my life as an answer.

Flash back:

"No! I don't want to hurt him anymore!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to pour all my emotions in each word. I hated hurting the one person who actually cared. But more than that I hated myself for letting her hurt me. For being so weak I couldn't even protect Izuku. I made explosions go off and instead of yelling at me she coldly glared into my soul. She silently walked up to me and slapped me.

"Worthless brat"

She muttered. She kneed me in the gut and immediately kicked my side right after. I fell to the floor held up by my knees and elbows groaning. She stabbed her heel into my back, causing me to fall to the ground completely. She pulled me up by my hair and looked directly in my eyes.

"Your worthless, you hear me? And if you plan on trying to make friends with people who will bring you down and let alone have a crush on them especially if they are a boy. Then I shall no longer consider you a son. Just a thing that ruins everything. A SIN."

She beat me till I could no longer move. She hurt me everywhere except my face. I consider it a punishment for hurting Izuku.

As I walk away from the scene I feel spikes of pain and run to the the bathroom once I'm alone. Tears prick at my eyes and I force them to stay in. Cryings a weakness.

I take the medicine I stored deep in my bag and start walking home. As I was walking I spot something in an alley. It was a slimy blob that had eyes of a human. A result of a quirk. As I look closer I see they have someone and I instantly recognize them. It's....


Allmight flashes down and saves Izuku with ease. I immediately relax and turn to walk away knowing that hes safe is good enough for me.

Before I walk further I realize I'm going the wrong direction and turn back. I see the villain, allmight and Izuku are nowhere to be seen. I assume Izuku went to either the hospital or home and Allmight to the police with the villain.


I hear someone calling from nearby and force a smirk onto my face as I went to "hang out" with the owner of the voice and a few others.

I sigh and glance back at the alleyway.

"What a day"

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