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Father Aizawa >>

TW- Read at your own risk

I sit on the concrete, tired, and sweaty from the workout I was doing moments ago. I tug my sleeve down hiding the cuts that have now become apart of me. It's been a few months since the attack and I'm now training for the exams. The old hag hasn't been doing much lately and instead relies on screaming, slaps, and hitting me upside the head. A part of me is happy it hasn't been as bad as it once was.

I also started therapy for my 'anger issues' as they call it. I haven't opened up much, worried they'll judge me and call me weak. Honestly I wish I could open up like how characters do in those movies. Where they spill their life and soul, ending in their life getting better. I wish that's how it worked. I wish it was that easy. That utterly simple.

But no matter how much I want to I can't trust this random extra to understand how I feel. To actually care. Why would they, if not even my own my mother does. They tried asking about my relationship with my parents and I froze. I froze like a child being told they wouldn't be getting their favorite toy back. I was so still and silent I could've competed with a statue.

I stand back up, setting my water bottle down while doing so. I walk over to the punching back and start punching my emotions out. It's the only way I know how to cope. Even with the help of auntie and Izuku, they could never help with how my mother beat harsh words into my skull. Making sure she didn't leave a single spot left undamaged. The harsh reality of my life is that things would never get better if I continued on like this. Continued on as the same desperate, sad little boy who begged his mom for love. Who prayed his dad would walk in on one of his beatings and would be forced to recognize the torment he was put through. Who cried for attention and care. Who sat on the bathroom floor crying every night from the pain that lingered on his body. Who couldn't walk for days from the damage done, who was left to be isolated in his room.

The same little boy who so desperately tried to be let out from the thick walls I built around us. The hurt and the anger that built up inside of me was unbearable. 

But there was one thing the little boy inside of me wanted more than anything else. To run to Izuku and sob into his arms. To say everything he had buried inside of him for the longest time. But I wouldn't allow myself to. Not after what I had said to him that day.

My fist starts aching from the constant punches I swung and I eventually stop. My face scrunches up in anger and I run out the gate blocking my backyard from the street. I run down the road in hopes of using up all of my energy. I run as far as I can until I almost run into someone who seemed to be jogging. 

"Fuck" I curse at myself as the exhaustion catches up to me.

The person who just seemed to notice me turned around only to stand still.


I stare up at the person at the sound of the familiar nickname. "Deku?" I stand up fully and narrow my eyes at him slightly. Observing the changes in his figure. His muscles look more toned and he seems slightly taller. We stare at each other before Izuku finally speaks up.

"W-what are you doing?"

I shrug my shoulders before responding. "Stop the stuttering, and I was going for a run what else would I be doing?" I cock my head to the side and stare into his eyes intensely.

"Ah right.. Sorry." 

I tsk and turn my head away from him. I try to hide my face as to not show what I was really thinking. He could read me like a book by just glancing at my eyes. 

"H-hey.. I know you probably hate me now and its none of my business but.."

My heart twinges in pain from his words.

"Has the real strong guy hurt you.."

My eyes widen at the question and I turn to face him. His face scrunched up, with his body language showing just how nervous he was. His eyes weren't filled with pity but pure concern. But why? Why did he care so much for an asshole like me? And why was it so hard to answer such a seemingly simple question. But it wasn't simple. Not by a long shot.

"Dammit deku.. Why do you even care?"

He looked up at me fully when I said that. Tears swell up in his eyes and he fixes his stance into a defensive position.

"Because kacchans my friend! Or.. He was my friend, my best friend."

I felt my own eyes water at his response and turn my back to him. "Whatever" I mumble as I trudge away.

A/N- another chapter done means more writer block 🥲

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