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After a while Izuku finally let me go to my house. Though he was very hesitant about it. He gave me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking to his house with an endearing smile planted on his face. As he walked away I felt myself starring at the boy whom I can happily call my boyfriend. It didn't seem real to me.  None of this seemed real to me. I felt... Fake.

I felt like this was all coming so fast and easy. People who wanted to be friends with me. A wonderful boyfriend whom I don't deserve. And now I'm finally training to be a hero.

I am forever grateful even if this feeling only lasts a minute. But I just feel like I haven't earned any of it. I was rude and ignored those guys at first. I hurt Izuku over and over again. And I'm weak and selfish. I don't deserve any of what I've been given. 

Though I push these feelings down as I quietly open the door. I pray that shes at work as I step in the house. 

A sigh of relief escapes my lips as walk into the empty house. I walk to my room and change out of my clothes into comfy ones. I felt happy.

And for once I didn't have an urge. I didn't even glance at the hidden drawer once.

I was okay with myself being happy, just this once.


As I walk into school I immediately spot my now boyfriend. He waves with a smile and I smile at the blush crowding his cheeks. Jeez only the second day of school and were dating. I still had the lingering feeling of everything going too fast. Were we rushing into this too fast? Don't we need to work out everything first?

I walk over to where he is and I sit down at my desk. I turn around to face him.  My whole body turns and my legs are on either side of the chair. My head rests on my elbows.

"Oi you never told me what the deal is with your quirk."

He made an oh face and I sighed. This stupid idiot.

"So are you gonna tell me or what?"

"Ah right.. Sorry kacchan but I can't tell you here." I grunted in response. 

After a while he started ranting about quirks and nonsense about stupid allmight theories that cloud over the internet. I stare at him as I watch every motion he makes. The way he twiddles his fingers under the desk when he gets embarrassed. How his hair slightly hovers above his eyes, and how it bounces with every nod and turn. How he gets this determined look in his eyes when he talks about heroes. And how he never fails to make my heart skip a beat without even trying. Though I would never admit it out loud. Those simple silly things that I notice make me so undeniably happy. 

He pauses and leans forward on his desk. "Kacchan.. How come every one is starring at us?"

I look around only to be met with curious eyes starring all around us. I glare at them and they immediately look away. "They're just idiots who don't know how to mind their business."

I say the last part louder on purpose as everyone stiffens. His confused look turns into a smile as he giggles. I almost let myself smile but decide against it. At that Mr. Aizawa finally comes out of his sleeping bag and starts class.


As the lunch bell sounds I lay my head on my desk. Some people never seem to get the idea as three extras walk to my desk. One being dunce face, and shitty hair. And also some other girl who has some neat eyes.

She introduces herself but I already have a designated nickname for her. 

"Hey bro! We were wondering if you wanted to eat with us?" Shitty hair asked.

I roll my eyes and turn my head away from them. I dig my face into my arms and manifest them going away.

I feel someone tugging on my arm sleeve and I hear them nagging me. "Come on kacchan make friends!" He try's pulling on my arms some more. "I don't care about that deku and you know that."  He pouts and I lift my head up to look at him. "As if I believe that."

I tch and he pouts even more if possible. The others stand there nagging me as well and I get fed up. "Leave me alone extras!" I raise my voice but I try not yelling.

They all pout and make some seriously bad puppy faces. "Ugh fine."

They all cheer and I roll my eyes. "Deku-kun!" Pink cheeks calls out. 

"Ah Uraraka, hey." 

"I was wondering if you wanted to eat with Iida-kun and I?"

Yesterday when she talked to him he was a blushing mess and that worried me. But today he seems.. Calmer. Like he realized something that made him more confident.

"Ah I was actually gonna eat with kacchan.." He looks at me and I nod my head saying he could do whatever the hell he wants.  

"Oh okay, well if you ever want to then were always free!" She waves her hand up in the air. He smiles and nods. I sigh and stand up. "Just go and make friends nerd."

I intentionally quote him and stride over with the other extras to their desks. He gives me a frown and nod and walks with pink cheeks. 

As we sit down everyone starts talking at once. 

"You guys are lucky I felt kind enough to eat lunch with you guys." Alien eyes says.

"Wow mina, low blow.." Dunce face says as fake tears prickle at his eyes.

"Just speaking facts if you ask me" I say as I rest my head in my palms. "You guys are idiots" I finish.

Fake gasps surround the table, laughter shortly following. I feel a ghost of a smile rest on my lips.

"See Bakugou is the only one who gets it." Alien eyes says as she nudges dunce face.

I smirk at her comment.

---------------------------------- (Sorry for all the time skips)

As I walk out the door of the school building I heard Izuku call after me. I turn around and I see him scrambling towards me. 

"Kacchan this quirk.. Its not mine. Its a borrowed quirk..."

I stare at him as he speaks. An unreadable exppression planted on my face. "But I'm gonna try and make it mine, and then I'm gonna become a hero.. Like ALLMIGHT!"

"Then you'd better make that quirk yours fast cause I'm gonna leave you in the dust."

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