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TW: includes physical and mental abuse

Age: 4

As I sit I look through the window, bored with nothing to do. 'I wish there was something to do.' I thought. And as if my prayers were answered Zuku runs up to me, allmight toy in hand. "Look Kacchan! I got a new Allmight figure!" He waved his toy around in the air. "Wow! The new silver age one! You're so lucky." I stare at the Allmight toy with sparkles in my eyes.

I stand from the chair I was sitting in and went to reach for the toy, but retracted it when I felt a weird sensation. I felt it in both of my hands and stared at them, waiting for something abnormal to happen. Then suddenly...


Tiny explosions popped from my hand. I was gleaming with pride and confidence in my new found quirk. And before I knew it, people started surrounding me while spitting praise. Though the only person I paid attention to was a curly green haired idiot. Who stared at me as if I was the most special, beautiful thing he had ever seen. And that alone made my heart flutter.

I was going to be the greatest hero.

And I was going to protect zuku no matter the cost.

------------------------- Age: 9

The next thing I know I'm slammed into the wall for what feels like the millionth time. Except this time I wasn't sad, nor was I angry. Instead I lay there. Feeling the blood drip down from my head to my arm. In a way I felt warm but freezing at the same time. I couldn't focus my eyes on anything.

I was numb. Numb all over, not feeling anything or hearing the nasty words spat at me as she stood there. Towering over me like I was trash. Like I was nothing.

She doesn't try to be nice to me when were alone anymore only when dads here. Which isn't a lot. The days when he isn't, I'm forced to sleep on the floor as I "don't deserve a bed". But why? Why don't I deserve a bed? Why don't I deserve her love and care. Maybe she's just angry and it'll pass. It'll pass eventually. I try and concentrate on the floor rather than her voice that has seemed to become increasingly distant. But I still hear the insults. Loud and clear.

"You're worthless and don't you ever forget that."

"You've ruined everything for me"

"Gay fag"




They all seem so clear to me, as if they were shining brightly in the dim of light. Every arrow pointing directly at them. All directed to one person and one person only.


Not a stranger, or someone who's done something awful, but me. I glance at her eyes and all I see is pure disgust. The memory of her soft eyes and gentle voice that always seemed to soothe me came flooding to my mind. She eventually leaves off to her room. I slowly get up and turn towards the door, walking slowly to it. I pick up my speed at the sight of my one and only best friends house. As I get closer I suddenly feel a sharp pain go up my spine and stop for a moment. I try my best not to cry but it doesn't work. I start walking again and this time I make it to the door. I knock gently and quietly but it was enough for Auntie or Mrs. Midoriya to open up. In all honesty she's more of a mother than my own mom is to me.

As soon as she sees me she rushes me in. "Oh my goodness dear, did you get into another fight again." I nod my head slowly at her question. She starts going through her cabinets and I make myself comfortable on the couch while holding my arm. "Mom who was at the door...?" Izuku's voice grows distant as he sees me on the couch a worried expression crawling on his face. "Kacchan, what happened.." He walks up to me and grabs my free hand. His thumb gently caresses it. I stare at our tangled hands for a moment before I answer.

"I fought a real strong guy." This was my way of telling him it was my mom again, as we had used "real strong guy" as code. I made him swear to never tell a soul about my mom. Because she was still my mother, and she would eventually love me.. right..? So we came up with a code. The code became "Real strong guy" for the reason that I would never actually admit someone was stronger than me. So he'd know I was obviously lying. His face turns upset at that information and he hugs me. I melt into the hug and instantly relax. Auntie comes back with a bunch of med supplies and starts working on all my injuries. She uses her quirk every now and then to pull certain objects towards her.


"All done" she exclaims as she starts putting everything away. "Thanks auntie" I mumble.

"Of course Katsuki" She smiles warmly and gently hugs me. I hum and dig my face into her shoulder, trying to hold in tears. She lets go and heads to the kitchen to start cooking dinner. Izuku sits beside me and holds my hand. I blush a bit but I immediately shake it off. "Don't listen to anything the strong guy said to you, your amazing kacchan." As if on cue tears started to spill from my eyes.

Here is where I felt welcomed and cared for.

Here is where I feel love and appreciated.

Here is home.

A/N- Just wanted to say that I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community so please don't come after me. Also if you're reading this, thank you. :)

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