In the moment

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A/N- Okay so the song represents how Bakugou feels about Izuku in this chapter rather than representing the chapter itself.

The last bell of the day rung and I sighed at the thought of what was waiting for me at home. I would usually stay out late till I had to go home with "friends" but at the moment I was limited. I stood from my seat and began to pack up my bag. 

I walked out of the classroom only to be met with two people blocking my way. "Hey bro where you going so soon?" One  of them asked. He had red weird hair that obviously wasn't natural. The other one was the same person who asked about my scar. "tsk home obviously. And you." I looked at the blonde haired kid. He stiffened and nodded. "Don't go around asking personal questions like that again or I'll blow your face off. 

"Ah yeah, sorry about that dude." I tsked and turned my head. I expected them to move but they didn't. I was getting annoyed but it's not like I'd rather be at home. I gave them a questioning look and they made a face like they just realized something. "Ah right! I'm Kirishima and this here is Kaminari!" I know their trying to be friends with me but..

"Like I care." I shove my way out the door and start walking towards the exit. "Hey wait!" I keep walking, ignoring them as I do. "That wasn't very manly.." I heard the one with shitty hair say. I wouldn't use them as my escape. They seemed genuine unlike the guys from middle school. I had no problem using those guys to get away from home. They were asses so it didn't matter. 

I felt someone grab my shoulder and I immediately turn around to face them. "Come on bro just loosen up a little. I promise if you hang out with us it'll be fun." I'm met face to face with the blonde guy or dunce face. The name fits perfectly for him. 

I think about it before answering. "Fine, but if its not I'm keeping my promise about blowing your face off." He smiles at my answer and waves shitty hair over. He walks over with someone else with him. "Hey guys! This is Sero!" I tsk and follow dunce face to wherever the hell we're going.


As we walk around the arcade there's several people. Not too many as it is a school day. I feel myself getting dragged towards a few of the games. We finally come across a dancing game. The same one I mastered with deku when we were younger. I stepped up along with shitty hair and start it up. A girl pops up and she says something about doing our best to keep up and to choose the difficulty level. I obviously choose hard and he chooses medium.

It starts up and I efficiently place my feet on the correct arrows. Flowing with every movement done. I see that shitty hairs having trouble and I smile to myself. The screen on my side states words like perfect, and great. I continue on and eventually the game stops. I got the top score and won as shitty hair barely got through, "That was so manly dude, where'd you learn to do that?!" I shrug and walk off to concessions. When I walk back I'm met with reality as I make eye contact with none other than deku himself.

He stops talking to who I assume to be pink cheeks and walks over. "Bet I can beat you." He says with a hint of a smile in his words. This is the only thing he has ever confidently challenged me in. He never dared to challenge me in anything until the day we found this game. We always set aside everything wrong in our lives just so we can live a single moment with just each other. Where it's simply us together and no one else. So that's why anytime he says those five words I always comply to prove him wrong.

I smirk at his challenge and nod my head towards the machine "you're on". He smiles at this and we walk over. We start the machine up and he turns towards me. "I'm gonna win this time." I tilt my head up and smirk "In your dreams."

The game starts and I immediately hit the arrows with my feet. I jump and turn, flowing with the music. Though Izuku is no noob at this game either. As I continue to go fluidly with the music I catch a glance at him. His hair is bouncing freely and he has the most eye catching smile planted on his face. His hums feel the air and I feel all giddy inside. We make eye contact and I just know I have the most stupid smile on. All I know at this moment is Izuku and the music. They go hand in hand with each other. They both make you feel at ease and safe. They both know exactly how you feel and they both feel like home. Not the house that I exist in.

The music stops and so do I. I stare at Izuku for a few more seconds whilst I catch my breath. He smiles at me and I feel my heart skip a beat. Suddenly clapping is sounded and it overlaps with the sound of my heartbeat. Izuku looks towards our friends and steps down. I also get off and head towards our frien- wait. Our friends? No these aren't our friends. How could they be. I've never needed any other friends and I won't start now. Besides it's not like me and him are suddenly friends again.

But.. Maybe just this once I can live right here and right now. I can just be here. Living in this moment.

Yeah maybe that's okay.

A/N- Hey this chapters kinda short but I think its cute. But don't get too used to the happiness.

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