New friend?

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Trigger warning

Includes Abusive Mitsuki

The lady introduced herself as Inko Midoriya and the little boy as Izuku Midoriya. It was obvious she was his mother as he practically resembled her completely. She sat me down on the couch and went to get me a water. Leaving me with Izuku.

At times he would glance at me and immediately retract his eyes if I caught him. He started twiddling his fingers and went to speak, but was cut off when his mom came in. "Here you go sweetie" she hands me a water bottle that has "Plus Ultra!" written on it. I stare at it for a bit when I hear someone sit next to me. "I'm sorry if I startled you when I took your hand". He spoke quietly but I still heard him.

I shrug and start chugging the water bottle. I part from it and twist the cap back on while lowering it to my lap. I look at him and see tears prickled at the edges of his eyes. "It's whatever.." I mumble. His face immediately lights up. He smiles brightly, his pearly white teeth shining but not nearly shining as bright as his eyes. This made my heart flutter for some reason and I instantly felt happy. I return the smile and turn my attention back on Mrs. Midoriya who just came back with a towel, cream, and a bottle that read "Hydrogen peroxide". I have no idea how to pronounce that but I don't find it important.

She kneels down and places both things down. "Izuku sweetie, could you possibly go get your band aids from your bathroom." He gets up and races to his bathroom almost tripping in the process.  

Time skip to after they clean his cuts:

"Alright, all done!" Mrs. Midoriya exclaims happily while placing the last Allmight bandaid on. Just then there's a knock on the door.

I pray it's not who I think it is. Though my prayers go unanswered as I saw my mom standing at the door with a worried face. Tears at the corners of her eyes, and the scared look in her eyes made me feel slightly happy. 

'Was she worried about me?' 

Mrs. Midoriya talks to her for a bit before waving me over, but before I can get up Izuku stops me and asks me something unexpected.

"Could we maybe.. be friends?"


I had never had a friend before, but why would he want be friends? Though without thinking I nod my head yes. He immediately smiles at my answer and hugs me before running off happily. I resume getting off the couch and walk over to my mom and Mrs. Midoriya. My mom grabs my wrist and pulls me to her side. She grips it tightly to the point of bruising. I want cry from the pain but I hide it because that would be showing a sign of weakness, and mom would be mad.

So I try my best to act as if nothing is wrong. We eventually leave and head back to our house which wasn't far.  Along the way I heard my mom muttering about things I couldn't quite understand. As soon as we entered the house my mom locked the door and threw me across the room. I slammed my head into the wall and slid down slowly. I saw my mom curse at how I could've ruined things for her, and how I "got blood all over the floor".  I couldn't pay attention as stars started to cloud my vision and I felt myself losing consciousness.

"damn brat" was all I heard before everything went black.

I wake up in my bed covered in bandages. I look at the clock and see it's 5am. It's still early so I turn back around on to my side. I try with all my might to fall back asleep but I can't. The next thing I know it's 6am. My mom opens the door and comes in. I'm confused by this because she never gets up early. She turns on the light which blinds me for a second. She throws clothes onto my bed and walks over to my desk. She has stuff in her hands that I don't recognize along with a headband. She sits in my chair and starts to talk. "Put that on, it's your uniform for preschool". I nod and start putting it on whilst my mom looks away in what I assume to be disgust.

This makes me sad. 'Am I really that disgusting that she can't even look at me?' That thought makes me more sad and I try and shake it away.

I finish and she aggressively takes my wrist and pulls me towards her. She takes a spray bottle and sprays my hair. She takes a towel from my laundry and dries my hair. After she thought it was dry enough she puts something on my face and dabs it with something that looks like.. a strawberry? Though it looks more spongy and soft. After she was done she stares at me intensely before her face softens, though she still gives off a harsh aura. 

"Don't get your face wet, ok?" Though it sounded more like a statement rather than a question. I nod my head and she gets up and takes everything she brought in with her. I glance back at my clock and see it's still only 6:15.

The rest of the time I play with my Allmight figurine before dad calls for breakfast.

Time skip to at the Preschool:

"Have a great day Katsuki" My dad smiles at me and gives me a hug. I wish mommy came too but at least I have dad here! I say a quick thanks before I run off into the classroom. As soon as I walk in though I spot a curly green haired broccoli. He sees me as well and runs up to me. He embraces me in a hug and I stumble back. 

He lets go and stares at me before his eyes widen. "I never got your name." He says in a somewhat sad tone. I stare at him blankly before stating my name. "Its Katsuki. Katuki Bakugou".

"Ka.. Katsu.. Katsu"

He stumbles over my name before slumping in frustration.

"Your names so hard!" he whines. 

He stands there for a second before his eyes light up and you could practically see the lightbulb go off in his head. "I know! I'll call you Kacchan!"

'Kacchan huh?'

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