𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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" It's okay now, princess." Izana softly spoke as he tried to calm his crying baby sister down.

Inari had been crying for almost an hour already. Her arms were still wrapping so tightly around her older brother's neck—not wanting to let go, thinking that izana might leave her again. The thought of living a life without him made her heart clench and feel terrified. She would rather lost everything than lost her older brother.

Izana let out an audible breath
—feeling hurt to see inari being like this—and raise his hand to patted the back of his little Sister.

" Let go now, inari... Onii chan's not gonna leave you again."

"No!" The little girl shouted, while she began to continuously shook her head and hug him even tighter. " Don't leave inari, onii chan."

She whispered along with her sobs. Izana didn't know how to calm inari down at this point. He wanted to sleep already so he can murder the kids who made her like this. She had never cry so hard like this before and would just calm down if he give her a hug and a kiss on her forehead—which he already did, yet none of it made his baby sister calm down.

Izana began to panick but then he remembered the story book he borrowed to the woman ealier—He thought it would make inari feel happy, since he knew she really loves when he reads her a story. Izana look around their bed that he was sitting and saw the story book placed next to him.

" Look, princess." He cheerfully spoke, grabbing the book and tried to show it to his little sister " A story book!"

Inari slowly stop from crying as she slightly turn her head around (still hugging her older brother's neck) and saw the story book about the princess and the king.

"Stowy book?" She queried with sobs still escaping her mouth.

Izana let out a sighed—feeling relief that inari finally calmed down—and formed a warm smile on his face. He landed a soft kiss on his little Sister's chubby cheek and nodded his head.

" Yes, story book." He sweetly replied, while he watch inari slowly let go of his neck and turn around to look at the book properly. " Do you want onii chan to read it for you?"

A warm smile tugged on the corners of the little girl's lips as she look up to her older brother and excitedly nodded her head. It had been already month since izana read books for inari, since karen had throw all her books away, saying it's already old and ugly and would buy her a new one instead. However, the woman only did that so she could slowly get rid of their things.

" Stop crying now, okay?" Izana questioned while he gently wipe off the tears on his little Sister's eyes.

" Okay."

The young boy made inari sit on his lap properly and open the story book to start reading it for her. Izana's voice were so soft and sweet as he read the story, with a smile plastered on his face. A few minutes later, the little girl's eyes began to close, feeling tired because of crying so hard earlier.

𝗘𝗖𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗔𝗦𝗧 | K. Izana's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now