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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV( 2000 )

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( 2000 )

Year had passed, izana and his little sister was able to got out of the orphanage—Which inari's level of happiness rose to ecstatic—and now went to live in a small apartment for awhile.

The first thing izana did when they got out, was visit their older brother at his bike shop and give him a ride on his motorcycle. As much as inari wanted to come with her older brother, she forced herself to just stay  in their apartment because of still feeling a bit mad at shinichiro for not visiting them almost a year now—it was understandable, knowing that he promised the two siblings to visit them everyday yet he just suddenly stop showing up to them without even telling them his reason.

" Nii chan?" A very sweet voice called out, along with a gentle tugged on the bleach blond boy's shirt, who turned his head to the side with a warm smile plastered on his face.

"Yes?" He answered softly, while his calm, orchid colored eyes staring down on his little sister who is hugging his arms tightly while walking with him.

"What does gang usually do?"

The young girl's sudden question made izana's eyes widened in shocked and was a bit taken aback. His heart began to beat so fast, feeling so nervous as he thought that maybe inari had find out about his little secret—A secret of being a leader of a gang soon.

"W-why do you ask?" He queried as he furrowed his eyebrows worriedly with his smile still not leaving his face.

Inari stared at him for a few seconds— confused about how her older brother react to her question nervously—before shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing" Inari formed her sweet smile on her face as she slowly move her gaze back on the street. "I just somehow met a blond boy who is 2 years older than me the other day when you went out with your scary friend."

Izana raised an eyebrow and stared at her little sister for about a minute, not knowing that his little princess go out the house without his permission. He immediately stopped from walking and went to hold her warm hand tightly.

"You go out without my permission?" He questioned—disappoinment and worry was evident in his voice, making inari to swallow a huge lump in her throat.

Izana had told her so many times not to go out the house without him—saying there's so many scary people outisde, just like his new servant— but the young girl seemed to forgot about it and just remembered it now.

"I...i'm sorry, onii chan" She whispered sadly. "I always feel lonely everytime you go out with your friend and I don't want to come with you since your friend is a bit scary for me, so i just went out and play alone in the park."

𝗘𝗖𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗔𝗦𝗧 | K. Izana's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now