𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 24

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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"Onii-chan?" Inari called out in a low tone, almost whispering, while he blink her eyes a few times.

" Good morning, princess"
Izana greeted, while standing in front of his little sister who had fallen asleep waiting for him to come home.

Inari's eyes barely open as she gazed at him. She was trying to figure out if she was dreaming or if this was reality. As she observed her brother's chest rise and fall with each breath. Earlier in the morning, she had spent all of her time with Kisaki, who was more than willing to accompany her and do his best to make her feel happy. She had spent hours teaching him how to plant, and in return, he had taken her out of the house to buy her anything she desired. 

"You are finally here." She happily mumbled as she smiled with her eyes closed.

Izana softly staring at her, and then all of a sudden, he bends down to give Inari a tight hug. She immediately wraps her soft arms around him and hugs him back tightly.

"Let's go eat lunch already." He slowly break the hug and pinch both of her soft cheeks. "Or else our pancakes will get cold."

" Pancakes for lunch?" Inari questioned with a confused expression on her face.

"Yes, cuz' why not, right?"

He must have decided to forgot what happened yesterday. He seems in
A mood right now.

She nodded her head in agreement and stood up from the sofa. Izana and her made their way towards the kitchen, feeling the tension between them as the silence lingered. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the hallway, each one seemingly louder than the last. They both tried to avoid eye contact, not wanting to confront the other person yet. But with each step forward, the tension grew thicker, making it harder to breathe.

" So, how are you earlier?"
Izana spoke, finally breaking the awkward silence between them.

" It was fine! Also thank you cooking me breakfast before leaving." she replied.

He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw the slightest hint of a smile on her face; it seems she don't hate him a bit for what he did to her.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they arrived in the kitchen. They sat down at the table in the kitchen, Inari began to tell Izana about her plans for the weekend. He listened intently, asking interested questions and making funny remarks when appropriate. They chatted and joked as they ate their lunch, which had gone cold. Neither of them noticed the time passing, and before they knew it, their plates were empty, and they were still talking.

"Tomorrow at night..." Izana said "We are going to fight toman; manjiro's gang, and i don't have anyone to watch over you since all of us have to go." He explained with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be safe here." A bright and warm smile tugged on the corners of her lips, hoping it will make him feel less worried. "You should be worrying yourself instead, since You're getting into a gang fight."

she was left with more questions than answers, and the weight of the world seemed to weigh her down. She looked down at her empty plate, feeling like she was at the bottom of a deep pit, with no way out. She felt her heart heavy with fear and concern for her brother's future, thinking of all the possibilities, good and bad. She didn't know what the future held for them, but she knew that it wouldn't be easy. She wanted to hold onto hope that things would work out, but the uncertainty was too much.

"lets head at your small garden, okay?" He softly spoke with a smile.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's a secret." He immediately grabbed his empty plate and stood up from his chair.

She couldn't help but feel curious about what he was up to, so she quickly washed her plate, excited to join him. When she finally caught up with him, she saw that he was kneeling down, digging and planting. Inari felt the warmth of the sun on her face and was filled with a sense of joy watching her brother work with such care and patience. She smiled at him, feeling proud of him.

"I'm here!!" She excitedly shouted with a huge smile plastered on her face as she finally arrived at the garden. She looks around her surroundings and noticed that nothing seemed new. "What is it, onii-chan?" She confusedly stared at izana who was just standing infront of her with a warm smile.

"Guess it." He challenge with a smirk.
"It's fragrant with violet to violet blu pea-like flowers." She hummed as a sign of pondering to the hints he gave and just in a seconds a wide smile immediately formed on her face as her eyes began to sparkles in joy.

"Wisteria floribunda?!"

Izana let out a chuckle as he nodded his head in response. He moved to the side, revealing a small flower in a pot. Inari immediately approached it, admiring the purple flowers that just like her and her older brother's eyes. As she looked closer, she noticed that the buds were just starting to bloom, and she could almost smell the sweet aroma emanating from them. She was in awe of the beauty of the Wisteria floribunda and the care that Izana had put into cultivating it.

"It's so beautiful." She said "Thank you so much."

He went closer to her and raised a hand to ruffles her soft bleach blond hair. "I spend my day searching for that flower, I'm glad you like it."

She look back on the small wisteria floribunda that it indeed reminds her of her older brother. She couldn't get your eyes off of it because of how beautiful it is

"I promise to take good care of it." She softly mumbled with a smile.

"Take your time admiring that flower, i'll just need to cook some snack and let's watch some movies after, okay?" After he saw his little sister nodded her head in response, he went out of the garden and went straight at the kitchen.

He placed a saucepan on the stove and turn it on. When he was about to grab the popcorn and the oil, he abruptly stopped when he heard his phone ringing inside his pocket. He confusedly grabbed it and kisaki's name flashed across the front screen as he reluctantly answered the call.

"What do you want?" He asked with his voice sounded a bit annoyed.

Izana had been looking forward to this day for a while now. Today was supposed to be just him and his little sister, enjoying each other's company without any of the gang bothering, since he wanted to spend all of his day only with her before their gang fight tomorrow.

"Go at our usual spot, i need to talk to you about your little sister, Emma sano." Kisaki spoke on the other side of the phone.

Izana furrowed his eyebrows as he began to feel hesitation of wether he'll stay in the house or meet kisaki to talk about their plan about emma; that can be a huge help to win the fight tomorrow, if ever they success. feeling a sense of hesitation building within him. He knew that he had planned a day with his little sister, a day to spend together without distractions. However, he also knew that tomorrow was a big day for his gang and he want to win the fight.

He tightly grip on his phone and let out an audible breath.

"I'll be there in a minute."


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