𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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Inari softly called out as she approach the young boy who is cooking some food for her. Inui let out a questioning hummed as he confusedly turned his head at her, wearing his usual warm smile on his face.

Inui was trying his best to just make the young girl feel happy again and bring back the sparkles in her eyes, even though he is fully aware that only izana who can able to do that. But he already see and treat her as his own little sister, so he makes sure to give everything that she ask for, expect from leaving the house alone.

It's been months had passed without izana. Inari miss him so much that she always find herself in the middle of the night crying alone inside the empty, dull room, imagining her the pillow she was hugging tightly was izana. If only she knew he would be caught by the police that night, she should have come and be in jail with him.

"Can i go out for awhile?" Inari sweetly asked, but the sunflower blonde boy furrowed his eyebrows and he immediately shook his head.

"How many times do i have to tell you, inari?" Inui questioned as he turned his eyes back on the food that he was cooking. "It's dangerous for you to go out alone."

Inari let out an audible breath before she turned around and quickly run out of the house—without any hesitation—while she could hear inui calling her name from afar. Manjiro had asked her to meet him at the park the other day and he told her that he will bring his little sister with him, which it made inari feel excited and immediately agreed.

A warm smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she finally arrived at the park. She turned around to see if inui chase after her and luckily he didn't, making her let out a sighed of relief. She wipe off her sweats on her forehead while he sat on an empty bench and began to wait for manjiro and his little sister.

I wonder what she looks like? Does she have blonde hair and dark eyes just like bubby? Inari thought, as she couldn't help but to feel excited for finally get to be friends with a girl for the first time.

"Chibi-chan!" Inari heard a familiar voice called her from behind. She immediately turned around with a smile and saw manjiro with a honey blonde girl walking right next to him.

She froze for a few moments-while she watched the two siblings approach her—before the smile on her face slowly disappeared, remembering her older brother. It hurt her so much to see the other siblings were happy together, knowing that it reminds her so much of her and izana.

She clenched her fist tightly and forced herself to form a smile once again.

"Hello." She greeted sweetly while she waves her hand at the two siblings.

Manjiro held his little Sister's hand and immediately drag her towards inari.

"Meet my little sister, emma." He introduced with a smile as he slightly push emma forward to the young girl. "And emma meet my friend, kurokawa inari."

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