𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 26

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"Onii chan!"

" Onii chan!"


"Are you even listening to me?"

As my little sister's voice echoes through the room, I blink a few times, surprised to see her staring at me with a furrowed brow, her arms crossed in a huff. She had been talking to me for the past few minutes, and I realized that I had been completely tuned out, my mind wandering elsewhere.

"Ye...yes. I'm sorry, i was just thinking of something."

Inari let out a sigh and pout. "What something?"

I let out a chuckle as i raise my hand and mess her hair. " Something that is not important. Now continue your story."

" Nevermind! Why don't we just go out to buy some snacks!"

My sister's sudden shift in tone caught me off guard, as if she had completely forgotten just how angry she was at me a moment ago. As I stood up from the sofa, her hand firmly wrapped around mine, it suddenly dawned on me that she had taken it upon herself to plan the rest of our day. 

" Onii chan! Move quickly!" She shouted while trying her best to drag me out the house.

This moment, is just like our normal days.
Just telling stories, getting something to eat at the convenience store and do everything we want without anyone or anything interrupting us. I'm really glad that disbanding tenjiku is really the best decision I've made, if I hadn't done it, my relationship with my little sister would probably be a mess by now. I'm happy that I have her by my side. I can't wait to spend more time with her and see what the future holds for us. The possibilities are endless and I'm ready for whatever comes our way. Let's enjoy this moment and cherish the time we have together. 

Both you and your little sister decided to step out of your house and take a stroll down the nearest convenience store. 

"What should we buy~?" Her voice was full of excitement as she eagerly wrapped her arms around mine, making me notice that she wasn't wearing her jacket that she usually wears whenever we go out at night. The temperature was surprisingly warm for this time of year, but I knew that she typically catch a fever easily.

"Inari, you forgot to wear you-"

"That's right!" She exclaimed, stopping me from finishing my sentence. "I'll be right back, okay?"

Before she had a chance to let go of my arm and grab her jacket, I immediately grabbed her wrist, feeling terrified for some unknown reason. My heart began to beat so fast, and I could feel my whole body trembling. I saw the smile on her face slowly disappear as she stared at me in confusion.

I knew something wasn't right. I had a feeling of impending doom that I couldn't explain. My mind was racing trying to make sense of what was happening. I tried to calm myself down, taking deep breaths to steady my heart rate. It wasn't working though, I could feel myself slipping into a panic attack.

"Onii chan, are you okay?"

I looked at her eyes, They were full of concern for me, and I knew that she was frightened by what had just happened. 

I took a deep breath to steady myself, trying to regain my composure. After a few moments, I managed to let out a chuckle, "Sorry about that, Inari. Go get your jacket quickly, it's already getting late." I softly answered with a small smile...

As I watched Inari turn around and walk back inside the house, I felt a warm liquid rolling down my cheeks. I touched my face and realized that I were crying.

"Huh?" Was the only word that escaped my lips as i slowly looked down on the ground and saw my tears falling down on it.

"Why am i crying?"

I questioned myself, yet my attention was suddenly taken by the sudden light in front of me. I quickly raised my head, and what i saw made my whole world to stop.

I wanted to run, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't move my body, and it felt as if something was stuck in my throat. All I could do was watch as my house burned with my little sister still inside, unable to do anything to save her. The pain in my heart was unbearable as tears kept escaping my eyes. I felt powerless and helpless, wanting to do something but feeling unable to make a difference. The horror of the situation was overwhelming, and the guilt and regret of not being able to protect my sister was almost too much to bear. I closed my eyes tight, trying to block out the sight of the burning house, but the image was burned into my mind

"I...inari..." Her name escapes my lips, yet it was merely a mumble. I couldn't get myself to scream and ask for help....


I feel the familiar sensation of a nightmare taking hold of me, and the images of what I do not want to remember start flashing before my eyes. The feeling of hopelessness and despair takes hold of me, and I slowly lower my head and clench my fists tightly as many questions that can't be answered keep running through my head.

"Why do I keep having nightmares of the scenes that I don't want to remember?"
"Why can't I just stay that day with her?"
"Why do I have to lose her?"
"Why does life have to be so unfair to me and take the only person that I only have?"
"Why do you have to take her away from me, God?"

These questions repeat in my mind, a constant stream of anxiety and pain. The nightmare feels so real that I can't distinguish it from reality. The pain feels so overwhelming that I feel as if i'm trapped in a cycle of misery that I'll never escape.

I know that these nightmares are just a manifestation of my deepest fears and trauma, but the emotions feel so real that it's hard to convince myself that it's not real. I feel trapped in a loop of suffering that I can't break free from, and the thought of living like this forever is unbearable.

"Onii chan..."

A very familiar voice called out, making me immediately raised my head.

"Let's watch the sunset together."

My little sister softly smiled at me as she slowly grabbed my hand and began dragging me somewhere.


You slowly open your eyes as the bright sun shines through your window, illuminating your room. You take a deep breath and sit up in your bed, wiping the tears off your face as you stare at the floor. Your nightmare feels like it was just a distant memory now, but the emotional weight of it still lingers.

"Let's watch the sunset together?"

I mumbled to myself, repeating what the last sentence my little sister said to me in my dreams...

I walked towards the window and my eyes started to water once again when i saw the sun was going down slowly changing its color from creamy yellow to shades of glowing orange.

"I really hate sunset."

I raised my hand and grabbed the curtain to my side and grip on it tight as i began to cry so hard. Hoping so badly that my little sister will come up to me and comfort me from the unbearable pain i was feeling inside me...

It was almost everyday i always feels like this... I was supposed to be used to this, but every passing day was getting even worse for me.

"I didn't know we didn't have much time anymore... Inari... That is why i had neglected you back then. It had been 4 years since you left me all alone but why does it always feel like you just left me yesterday?"

'no matter how beautiful the sunset is, it's still signifies the end...'

The end


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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