𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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It was extremely cold winter morning, The little girl sat up on their bed and shot her gaze at her older brother—who is sleeping beside her—before looking at the window near them. She rub her eyes and saw snow slowly falling down the ground.

The sleepiness inari felt soon replaced with such joy and excitement, she formed a wide smile on her face and immediately went to shake her older brother's body to wake him up.

" Onii chan!!" She exclaimed in joy, in which izana let out a groaned and slowly open his eyes with a soft small smile formed on his face.

"What is it, princess?"

He asked sweetly before he closed his eyes once again—still feeling sleepy because of the cold weather—however, his little sister immediately wrapped her small arms around him tightly.

"Onii chan!, It's snowing!!"

Izana let out a chuckle and finally open his eyes as he spoke...
" Really?"

Inari smiled at him and nodded her head before jumping off their bed and immediately run towards, their friend (kakucho) who is still sleeping so peacefully on his bed that only next to the two siblings.

"Kaku!!" She screamed on the top of her lungs, causing the young boy quickly opened his eyes, only to see inari's cheerfully bright face.

Kakucho scratch his head as he slowly sat up on his bed while he look at the little girl in confusion.

"What is it, Inari?"

" It's finally snowing!" She cheerfully informed " Remember, onii said we are going to play with snow someday, right?!"


The three young kids put on their thick jackets and didn't wasted any more time as they immediately run out the orphanage in excitement.

it was all foggy and there was hardly any trace of sun. It was shivering cold and perhaps was the coldest day of the year. The excitement of seeing snow, made them forget the torture of severe cold.

The roofs of houses, the trees, the peaks and the streets everything was covered and painted with snowfall.

"SNOW!!" The three young kids shouted in excitement with their eyes sparkles in joy.

They all run outside with a big smile plastered on their faces. The little girl struggle to bend down—because of her thick jacket— and picked up snow on the ground. She clenched it tightly and was able to make a small snow ball. Inari move her gaze to her older brother and throw the snow ball on his back.

Izana turned to his little sister with a mischievous grin plastered on his face, making the little girl to tensed up and immediately began running away from him, but because of how slow she run, izana was quick to catch her. He wrapped his arms around her small body and let themselves fall on the cold snow.

𝗘𝗖𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗔𝗦𝗧 | K. Izana's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now