𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 25

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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"What book does she even like?" Shion mumbled to himself while he's struggling to choose a book for inari who he supposed to watch over today.

Izana's message took him by surprise. He hadn't expected to have to watch Hs little sister while he's away, especially not so suddenly. He was hoping to spend the morning exploring the city and finding something fun to do, but it looked like his plans were changing. He quickly sent a message back to Izana, telling him that he was on his way to their house. 

A shop on the corner, barely noticeable to anyone but him, caught his eye. It was a small, cozy bookstore, filled with shelves of books, a few customers browsing through the stacks and the gentle clatter of pages turning. He wasn't sure what made him stop and look. Perhaps it was Inari, who is very passionate about books.

As the young man walked through the labyrinth of bookshelves and grab a book; It was her favorite book, He remembered her telling him that it was her favorite novel, and how much she loved it. It was the first book they had ever discussed, and he remembered how much joy and excitement she had when talking about it. It was like finding a long-lost treasure, and he couldn't wait to give it to Inari. Even though he found books boring.

Shion couldn't contain his excitement as he held the wrapped book in his hand. The thought of the young girl's reaction filled him with happiness. He thought maybe she'll start treating him like a king when he gave her favorite book.

After a few minutes later. Shion proudly smiled to himself as he imagine what the young girl would react when she found out that he bought her a wonderful book. He stepped on the gas pedal of his motorcycle, feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins. He couldn't contain his excitement as he imagined Inari crying in immense joy.

As Shion drove towards the young girl's house, he feel a sense of unease wash over him when he saw the ambulance and firetruck drive past him. He felt a lump form in his throat as he imagined the worst.

He took a deep breath and continue on driving towards their house, and when he got there. The air was thick with smoke and chaos as he stood frozen, watching the house in front him burn to the ground. The smell of burning wood and plastic filled his nostrils as he felt the heat radiating from the flames. He wanted to move, to do something to save those trapped inside, but his body was frozen in place. 

People began to gather around the house, the man was pushed back by the police who were trying to keep everyone a safe distance from the fire. He watched helplessly as the firefighters moved closer to the house, struggling to extinguish the flames and break down the front door. Time seemed to stand still as the man watched the firefighters disappear into the smoke and flames, hoping they would find someone inside.

Suddenly, he felt a shift beneath his feet and looked down to see the paper bag he was holding with the book inside it that he had just purchased.

He had planned to spend the evening with Inari, giving her the book that he bought for her and maybe even teasing her a little. Instead, he was watching as the firefighters rushed into the burning house.

𝗘𝗖𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗔𝗦𝗧 | K. Izana's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now