𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 12

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV(2001)

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The young girl who is peacefully staring down the beauty view of the city inside their new house, flinch a bit when she heard her older brother called her from behind. She immediately turned around and saw his friend standing behind him with his usual scary, bored face.

Year had passed, izana had suddenly changed. He become rude and easily get angry towards the other people. That even his friends was treated badly by him. But when it comes to his little sister, he was soft and gentle towards her that even his stern and scary voice would instantly changed into a soft one when he's talking to her, even if they are infront of his friend—or what he called his servants.

"I'll be going out today and might be back late." Izana softly spoke with a usual warm smile plastered on his face as he walk closer to his little sister and plant a kiss on her forehead—like how he usually do.
"Inui seishu, will be guarding, okay?"

Inari eyes widened in shocked as she stared at her older brother for a minute, seeing if he's really serious about getting his friend guard over her

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Inari eyes widened in shocked as she stared at her older brother for a minute, seeing if he's really serious about getting his friend guard over her.

"But onii-chan, i don't need someone to guard me."

Izana let out a chuckle as he raised his hand and began to ruffles the young girl's beautiful and soft bleach blond hair. He was fully aware that inari is just scared of inui-because she thought he easily gets angry and might punch her on the face-that is why she always refused him to guard her.

"Come on, inui is not scary at all once you gets to know him better" Izana convinced while smilling with his eyes closed.

Inari slowly look away and contemplate wether he'll let inui guard her and stay by her side all day long or just refused and choose to stay alone inside their boring house. She let out a sighed of defeat before she turned to her older brother and nodded her head.

Why do i have to be guard by him? She thought, having no idea about her older brother was a leader of a gang and there's a huge possibilty that she might get involved to it because of their enemies who want to take him down by using his only weakness.

𝗘𝗖𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗜𝗔𝗦𝗧 | K. Izana's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now