𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 17

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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"Wow, so cool!!" The young girl exclaimed in joy while she looks around the amusement park with huge, bright smile plastered on her face.

Izana warmly smiled at his little sister as he slightly tightened his grip on her hand, afraid that he might lost her in this crowded place. He had planned to bring her in the amusement park that they never had been before and spend all of their day together alone, but inari had ended up inviting kakucho and inui to come with them-which it made izana feel so mad when they both agreed without even hesitating.

"Princess." He called out with an exciting voice. "Let's go and buy some cotton candy?"

He questioned which his little sister didn't took a seconds to nodded her head in response, making izana to form a victorious grin on his face and immediately dragged her in the crowds, leaving both kakucho and inui-just like how he planned—who ar...

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He questioned which his little sister didn't took a seconds to nodded her head in response, making izana to form a victorious grin on his face and immediately dragged her in the crowds, leaving both kakucho and inui-just like how he planned—who are busy admirring the place that they haven't notice the two siblings left them already.

"Inari, what rides do you want to try?" Kakucho softly asked with a smile as he move his gaze at where the two siblings was standing before, only to see no one, making his eyes grew wider in shocked.

"Inari?" He called out while began to look around their surroundings in a bit panick, earning the blonde boy's attention who is standing next to him.

"What's wrong?" Inui asked out of confusion.

"Inari and izana is missing."


"1 cotton cady, please."

Izana spoke to the vendor as he hand him the exact money and received the pink colored cotton candy, while his other hand is still holding onto inari's warm hand.

"Where's inui-san and kaku-chan?" The young girl worriedly asked as she look at her older brother who just smiled at her with his eyes closed.

"Where's inui-san and kaku-chan?" The young girl worriedly asked as she look at her older brother who just smiled at her with his eyes closed

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