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Hilda was layin in bed with her husband Erik. He was today leaving for the baltic lands to raid. She had some news and she knew she wouldn't see him for many months and this was news that couldn't wait."" She sat up "Erik?" He turned and look at her "Yes" She took h his hand "I have some news" Now Eriks sits up "What is it? Are you okay?" Hilda smiles at how thoughtful her husband is. "Yes i'm fine. We have you know been married for 10 years and have really hard tried to have a baby and it's been hard. But i can tell you now that..." Erik eyes lights up "Are you saying what i think you're saying. Hilda smiles "If you mean that i am pregnant then yes" Erik gives her the biggest smile and kisses her, with so much passion and love. Erik pulls away "I'm so happy" Hilda smiles "I just wanted you to now before you leave, if anything happens" Erik smiles "I love you" Hilda pulls him and gives him a quick kiss "I love you too"

Hilda was now at the docks saying goodbye to Erik but also her brothers Ragnar and Rollo. Hilda was looking at Erik with loving eyes. "Come back to me" He smiles "I was planning on it" Erik pulls her in a deep and passionate kiss. He caresses her back until they get interrupted by someone. "Erik please. I would appreciate if you wouldn't have sex with my sister on this dock, i don't wanna be the one to kill you" Hilda sighes and pulls away to her husband and turn to see her brother Ragnar. "Really?" He just smiles. Hilda turn back to Erik who just smiles. He gives her a peck on the lips "I will come back to you, the both of you" He whispers before walking up to the boat.

Ragnar walks up to her. She just shakes her head. "Did you really have to do that" Ragnar just smiles "Well he can't be the only one to say goodbye to you" Hilda smiles and brings Ragnar into a big hug. "Like i said to Erik, come back" Ragnar pulls away and smiles "I will, mom." Hilda shoves him "Go" Ragnar walks away. Suddenly she feel someone behind her taking a hold of her waist holding her up, she doesn't need to turn around to know who it is. She laughs "Rollo, put me down" He finally puts her down which makes Hilda turn. She smiles at her idiot brother. "You do that everytime" She laughs and pulls him into a hug. Rollo smiles "Well i have to make you remember me" Hilda pulls away "Remember what my mom said on her death bed" Rollo sighes "Don't leave your sister" Hilda nods "Exactly. Don't leave me" Rollo smiles "I wasn't planning on it" Kisses her on the check and walk up to the room.

They were now sailing away with their boat, her sister-in-laws walked up to her. Ursa married to Rollo, Lagertha married to Ragnar. Lagertha smiles "They reall do all love you" Hilda smiles "I sure hope so." Hilda takes a deep breath It's now her time to tell them. "Guys i need tell you guys something" Both Ursa and Lagertha looks at her "What is it" Hilda takes a deep breath "I'm pregnant" Lagertha gasps and pulls Hilda into a hug "Oh my god i'm so happy for you" Hilda pulls away and smiles at her "Thank you" She then looks at Ursa who hasn't said anything. "Are you okay" Ursa smiles and nods "Yeah. I'm really happy for you" Hilda smiles "Are you sure" Ursa smiles "Yeah of course" She pulls Hilda into a hug. Ursa pulls away "I need to go, i will see you guys later" Ursa walks away.

Hilda sighes "I feel bad for her" Lagertha nods "Me too" Lagertha looks at Ursa walking away "I know she loves Rollo but i'm not sure she does and i know it's killing her. Lagertha nods "Yeah" Lagertha then gets an idea "Hilda?" Hilda looks at her friend "Yes?" Lagertha takes Hilda's hands "Would you like to move in?" Hilda looks at her stunned "What?" Lagertha sighes "With you being pregnant and Erik away i just don't want you to get hurt and i think Erik would like you to not be alone either so what do you say?" Hilda smiles "Are you sure?" Lagertha smiles "Of course. You're not just my sister-in-law, you're my friend," Hilda smiles and pulls Lagertha into a hug "Thank you" Lagertha smiles "Always."

Ursa open the door to her and Rollo's hut. When she closed the door, she just sobbed. She hated that he made her feel this way. She was one of the best shieldmaidens in Kattegat but there was a reason for that. Every time Rollo made her sad, angry, frustrated or just made her feel she wasn't enough. She would go out in the forest to hit or kill something. That happened every day. Every day he made her feel like she wasn't enough for him. She knew he didn't love her but the worst part is that she still loved him.

5 months later. Hilda was sitting inside Lagertha and Ragnar's cabin, caressing her belly. She knew Erik was home soon. She couldn't wait for him how much their child had grown. Suddenly she sees Ragnar outside. She runs out and hug him. He pulls away and stares down at her belly and then looks up at her again shocked. "You're pregnant?" Hilda smiles "Yeah. Sorry i didn't tell you before you left" She looks around for Erik but can't see him. "Where's Erik? Is he at our cabin, of course he is. I will go there" She tries to walk away but Ragnar stops her. She looks at laughing but wondering why he stopped her. "What?" She can see Ragnar is starting to tear up, her brother never cries. "What's going on" Ragnar takes a deep breath "I'm sorry" Hilda doesn't understand. "What?" Ragnar sighes "He.." He can't get out the words. Hilda is freaking out "What? Where is he?" Ragnar sighes "He didn't make it?" Hilda can't believe what she is hearing. "What do you mean he didn't make it? Where is he? Where is Erik?!" Ragnar takes his hand around the side of her head to make her listen to him. "He's dead!" Hilda looks at Ragnar with disbelief "No" He pushes her into his chest. "I'm sorry" Hilda collapses into his arms and feel weak in her legs. She falls to the ground, Ragnar still holding her. "I got you" He comforts her. "He can't be dead. We're supposed to raise this child together" Ragnar sighes "I'm sorry" Hilda just sobs and screams.

After 10 years of trying, she finally gets pregnant. The gods had finally answered her prayers but now they have taken away Erik, the love of her life. Why is the gods so cruel?

Eysteinn Sigurðarson as Erik Arnesson

The prologue is here!!  I just wanna hug both Ursa and Hilda :( I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts

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The prologue is here!! I just wanna hug both Ursa and Hilda :( I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts

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