Chapter 11

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The earl had accepted Ragnar's challenge and today was the day of  the trial of combat.  Hilda's daughter stayed behind in Floki's cabin with Helga.   Hilda walked up with Ragnar and Lagertha and their children.  Ragnar walked up and Hilda stood beside Lagertha, Bjorn and Gyda. 

There Hilda saw Rollo, she saw what the earl had done to him, his face was scarred and bruised.  She knew that Ragnar felt the same anger she felt.   She just hoped this wouldn't end up with her losing both of her brothers.  

Then the earl arrives and walks up to Ragnar, smiling.   "This is a personal combat.  The combatans can choose any weapon and shield they desire.   Each man has two shields, if both are  broken there can be no further replacement."  The earl's right-hand man announces.  

The earl is given a shield and a sword but he throws the shield away which brings an reaction from the people.  which Ragnar answers with throwing his away.  Both of them gives their second and last shield.  With that the combat starts and Ragnar makes the first blow.  

Hilda is scared but she doesn't look away, not for a second.  The fights go on but suddenly when Ragnar breaks his sword in half after hitting the earl's shield.   Hilda looks at Lagertha, both terrified.   Ragnar starts hitting with his shield which ends with both of their sheilds breaking in half.   

Ragnar walks closer to the earl and throws away what's left of his sword.  The earl could've easily stabbed Ragnar right there and ended the fight but he doesn't and instead he throws his sword away aswell.  

They both take up axes instead and the fight continues and it becomes more and more bloodly and they boths becomes more wounded until Ragnar makes the last blow and hits the earl in the back and he falls to the ground.  

Everyone watches as Ragnar kneels down next to the earl.  Hilda watches as the earl's wife Siggy walks slowly towards them.  "Lord Odin is here, waiting to see which one of us he will take to his great hall."  Ragnar tells the earl.   The earl sighes. "So i shall dine after all at the high table of the Aesir."   As Ragnar cuts the earl's wrist,  Siggy starts shouting  and pushes him off.   Everyone watches as Siggy and the earl have their last moment together before he takes his last breath.  

"Kill him" the earl's right hand man shouts.  Everyone just look at him, as it was a fair combat.  

"Kill him!!"  He screams,  Rollo takes up an axe walks over to him and hits him with the axe in his chest, killing him.  

Siggy walks over to her daughter who has a dagger in her hand, she takes the dagger and stabs her daughter's elderly husband, killing him.  Hilda smiles.   

Everyone is looking at Siggy as she walks up to Ragnar and her husband's dead body.  She takes a deep breath.   "Hail earl Ragnar."    Both Lagertha and Hilda are shocked hearing this.  

"Hail earl Ragnar!"  She speaks loudler and kneels down which everyone does with her.  Hilda watches as Lagertha walks up to Ragnar, she can't believe they are now the rulers of Kattegat.

Now everyone is in the earl's halls and Hilda watches as Ragnar and Lagertha takes their seats.  Halvar walks up to Ragnar and kneels down.   "I have come to swear to you my alliance and fealty to you and your family from this day."   Ragnar smiles at him.  "Halvar you are my friend,  and you Leif,  and you Torstein and and you Arne, you are my friends."   Halvar  nods and walks back to stand next to Ursa and his wife Olga. 

Ursa can't seem to keep her eyes off Rollo, seeing  what the late earl had done to him, she knew right there and then she needed to speak with him.  

An elderly man walks up to Ragnar and kneels down.  "What is your name?"  Ragnar asks.  "Tostig, Lord Ragnar."    "Do you swear allegiance and fealty  to me and my family from this day forth?"  Ragnar asks.   "That won't be so long then."  Rollo comments which makes people laugh.  But Ragnar put his hand up which makes people go quiet.  

"By my sacred rings, i swear.  But i also have a favor to ask."  The man answers.   Ragnar looks at him.  "What is this favor?"    "That the next time you go raiding, you take me with you."  

"I do not wish to insult you but the truth is..."  Ragnar tries to say but Torstig cuts him off.  "That i am too old?"  He chuckles.  "Yes, i am old but i have been a warrior all my life,  many years i sailed with lord Haraldson and fought battles against the eastlanders and i watched all the companions of my youth die.   And though i fought with them with them in shield-wall, never once was i touched by a blade.  All the friends and companions of my youth are dead and feasting and drinking with Aesir in the halls of the gods.  While i, I am forsaken, bereft.  Which is why i beg you, lord gift me the chance to die with honor in battle and join my friends in Valhalla." 

Ragnar stands up. "This summer, we shall have more ships to go west, for that is our future and when we return to England, let's take him with us.   All in favor?"  Ragnar asks everyone.  

Every man and woman answers with Aye.  Hilda smiles at her brother.  The elderly man bows and walks off.  Now it's Rollo's turn.    Hilda watches as her brothers stands face to face to eachother.  

"There is no need for you to swear."  Ragnar answers.   "You have already paid a heavy price for your loyalty to me."   Rollo takes Ragnar's hand from his face.   "Nevertheless, i will swear brother.   I swear to be true to you, your wife and your family, our family.   As long as your good fortune holds."    Ragnar smiles and hugs his brother.  

Rollo is on his way home, he sees someone sitting outside of his cabin, he walks close and sees it's someone he knows very well.  "Ursa?"  She stands up, smiling at him.   

He walks up to her and looks at her.  "Why are you here?"  She takes a deep breath.   "When the earl's men took you away, i thought i would never see you again, i thought they were going to kill you but then i saw you today and i saw what they had done to you, i knew i couldn't bear to lose you again."   

He keeps looking at her, not taking his eyes off her, caressing her hands with his own.  "Ursa, what are you saying?"  She sighes and looks at him.  "I love you Rollo.  You hurt more that anyone has ever hurt me."  She starts to look down.  "I can't live without you and you might not feel the same way and that's fine but..."   Ragnar pulls her head up to look at him, he looks into her eyes, she is so beautiful.  

"Ursa. I'm so sorry.  You were right, i married you because i wanted to get over Lagertha and i wasn't a good husband, i know that now.  But when you left and i lost you, i knew i had made the biggest mistake of my life because i truly mean this Ursa, i love you."  

She looks at him shocked, can't believe what she's hearing.  "You love me?"  He nods.  "Yes, he caresses her face.  "And i will do everything to prove that to you, if you let me."   She nods "Yes."  She kisses him and he kisses her back right away.  

After a few seconds, she pulls away.  "But just to clear, we're not husband and wife,  we might be one day but i just wants to try."  He nods.  "And this time i will try too."   Ursa nods and pulls him for another kiss.    This is too good to be true, is all Ursa can think.  

Ragnar is the earl!!  Ursa and Rollo are back together, how will that go, only one way to find out.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

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