Chapter 4

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Ragnar had now come home after he and Rollo had a meeting with the men they wanted to recruit

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Ragnar had now come home after he and Rollo had a meeting with the men they wanted to recruit.  

Ragnar and Lagertha were washing clothes.  Hilda was sitting in a chair, she was too pregnant and tired to be able to help.  

"So when do we sail?" Lagertha asks him 

Ragnar shakes his head "I already told you.  I don't want you to come" 

Lagertha is offended "Why not?"

Ragnar keeps hanging up the clothes "I need to leave the children and the farm in the hands of someone i trust and Hilda is no state where she can do that"

Hilda stands up "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ragnar walks up to her "Sister you're pregnant, you can't even hang up the clothes at the moment.  If you weren't pregnant i wouldn't have any problem with you taking care of the children and the farm."

Hilda sighes and sits down "Yeah... You're right."

Ragnar turns to Lagertha "What if the earl finds out we have gone without his permission?  He might try to claim our family home" 

Lagertha walks up to Ragnar "This was going to be the most exicting voyage of our lives.  To go west!" 

Ragnar keeps washing the clothes which makes Lagertha annoyed so she splashes water in his face.

"I have dreamed of it many times, and in my dreams, we are always together." 

Ragnar sighes "What if there is no west? This is the most dangerous and stupid voyage ever. What if we both die? Who would take of the children.  Hilda can't take care of soon three children on her own, Rollo?"

Lagertha looks at Ragnar furious "You have no right to say that!" She walks off. 

Hilda stands up and walks up to Ragnar "Just promise me something Ragnar"

Ragnar sighes "What is it?"

Hilda looks at him "Try to come back.  I don't want Lagertha or your children to endure what i have endured."   She caresses her belly.  

Hilda starts to get ready for bed when she hears Lagertha and Ragnar argue with eachother.  

She just shakes her head but when she hears it getting more intense, she decides she needs to stop them.  

She walks out to the big room where she also sees Bjorn who has run out to stop his parents fighting.  

Hilda walks up to them and sighes "Come on Bjorn, let's go to bed.  I will handle this"

Bjorn looks at her, she nods which makes Bjorn sure and walks back to bed.  

Hilda then looks at Lagertha and Ragnar and just shakes her head.  

"Lagertha i get it you're upset.  But please don't fight like this.  It's embarassing when your own son is smarter than both of you.  Good night.   Hilda walks back to bed.  

It's the next morning.  Ursa lives with her brother Halvar and his wife Olga and their three daughters.  She haven't seen Rollo since they broke up.  

Ursa sits down by the kitchen table with Olga and children.  Idun and Sigurda who are 9 and 7 years of age sits down in their own chairs.  The youngest Runa who is 3 is sitting in Olga's lap.  

Olga looks at Ursa "So...  Are you gonna go with your brother on this Voyage?"

Ursa takes a deep breath "No. Not this time."

Olga looks at her stunned "But you were so exicted about it?"

Ursa sighes and looks down "Yeah... But not anymore"

Olga sighes "Does this has anything to do with someone named Rollo?"

Ursa looks up and sighes "Yeah." 

Olga sighes once again "Ursa you shouldn't let him control your life!"

Ursa sighes "I know.. I just... I'm not ready to see him again, it's too soon."  

Olga sighes "Fine, it's your life."  

Ragnar was getting ready to leave. He had already said goodbye to his children.  

Ragnar looks at Lagertha "Are you still angry with me?"

Lagertha shakes her head "No. But my heart is still in pain that i cannot be with you."

Ragnar looks at her for a second and smiles, he then brings her into a hug.  

Ragnar kisses her on the back of her head and pulls away.  

He then turns to Hilda and smiles.   

"Maybe i will have a niece or nephew when i get back"

Hilda smiles "Maybe"  Ragnar pulls her into a hug. 

Hilda sighes "Don't die."

Ragnar smiles "Neither you"

Hilda pulls away "Tell Rollo, if he doesn't come by before leaving i will cut off his balls when you get back" 

Ragnar smiles "I know"  He looks at both of them before walks out the door. 

Hilda walks closer to Lagertha and holds her hand.  Lagertha looks at her and smiles.  

The men were on the ship was ready to sail.  Halvar saw Rollo walking to the ship.  He had probably fucked the slave girl. He had promised Ursa he would not kill him, but he really made it harder for every minute.  

Hilda was standing outside at the sand looking out to the sea.  Thinking about her brothers, nothing wanting to lose them like she lost her husband.  

"Aunt Hilda?" She hears from behind.  She turns around and sees Gyda.  

"Gyda? What are you doing here?"

Gyda looks at her "I saw you standing here alone.  Are you alright?"

Hilda sighes and pulls her into a hug.  Gyda was such a kind and sweet child.  

Hilda pulls away "Come on.  Let's go inside, you need to go to bed."  Hilda takes Gyda's hand and they walk back to the cabin.  

Freya is sitting with her mother in their cabin.  Helga is braiding Freya's hair.  

"Mother? Can i ask you a question?" Freya asks 

Helga smiles "Yes, darling?"

Freya takes a deep breath "Is father going to be alright?"

Helga smiles "You don't have to worry about your father.  He is protected by the gods."

Freya nods "I have heard this voyage is dangerous.  Could father get in trouble"

Helga looks at her and smiles "It's nothing that you have to worry about.  Your father will be home in a few weeks and everything wil be fine, okay?"

Freya nods "Okay."

Helga smiles and kisses Freya on the cheek.  "All done.  Do you like it?"  

Freya walks up to a mirror that her mother has made herself. 

She turns back to Helga "It's beautiful, thank you" 

Freya hugs her mother.  She loves her parents and she really hopes her father will come back home safe.  

So.... Ursa didn't go to the voyage because of Rollo.  Halvar hates Rollo.   Hilda starts to get closer to the end of her pregnancy.  I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.  

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