Chapter 3

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Bjorn and Ragnar are going on a boat "We have someone special to visit

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Bjorn and Ragnar are going on a boat "We have someone special to visit. His name is Floki" 

Bjorn is stunned hearing the name "Floki? 

They're walking through the forest "Like Loki, the god?"  Bjorn asks his father.  

Ragnar nods "Yes. Only different"  

"How is he different?" Bjorn asks.  

"He's not a god"  Ragnar answers

"Why didn't he come to the thing?" Bjorn asks 

Ragnar smiles "Because..  Because he's shy"  

Then  a man  and a girl in Bjorn's age jumps up with masks.  

They both laugh seeing how scared Bjorn got.  

They take off their masks.  

Ragnar smiles "Floki, this is my son Bjorn" 

Floki smiles "This is my daughter Freya"

Freya smiles. 

Floki looks at Bjorn "How are you?"

Bjorn nods "Well, thank you sir" 

Floki walks closer to Bjorn "You have your father's eyes. Unfortunately" 

Ragnar looks at his friend confused "Why unfortunately"  

Floki turns to look at Ragnar "It means he will be like you and therefore he will want to do better than you.  Lucky for me, Freya has her mother's eyes."  

Bjorn is confused "Why can you  tell that by just looking at my face"

Freya chuckles "It's the same with trees. My father can tell which trees will make the best planks by just looking at them."

"I can look inside the tree" Floki whispers. 

Ragnar smiles "Floki is a boatbuilder, among other things"  

Floki starts walking towards the trees.  Freya follows him.  

But then she looks back and sees Bjorn is hestiant. "Come on" 

Bjorn follows her. Freya waits so they can walk together. 

"So you're named after the godess?"Bjorn asks her 

Freya smiles and nods "I am.  My father loves the gods"  

Freya looks forward and sees her father by a tree.  

He turns to them "This is the one. Inside this tree are two almost perfect planks. They will bend, then curve.  When i split this tree, i will find them"  Floki starts hacking the tree with his axe.  

Bjorn is stunned "You can see that?" 

Floki turns to look at him "You think i'm joking?" 

Freya sees that Bjorn starts getting scared, but she knows her father is harmless. 

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