Chapter 5

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Hilda was sitting outside.  She saw a man talking to Bjorn.  Gyda and Lagertha was in the cabin working.  Hilda stood up and started walking to them. 

"Excuse me but why are you talking to my nephew?" She asks the man who she reconised as the earl's advisor. 

"I was just asking your nephew where Ragnar Lothbrok might be." He tells her. 

She looks at him "He's gone fishing."

He nods "Oh! Fishing? He's gone fishing?"

Hilda caresses her belly "Yes. Fishing." Hilda walks up to Bjorn and puts her arm around his shoulders. 

"When will he return?" The man asks. 

Hilda looks at him "I don't know."

"In which case i must take someone as surety. Just in case" He tells her. 

Hilda can tell that Bjorn gets nervous but she remains calm. 

"In case?" She asks. 

"In case your brother hasn't gone fishing"  He tells her. 

Hilda starts clenching her first.  The man then looks up to the shore and sees another boy. 

"You! Come! Come!" He tells the boy who obeys.  

"You have to come with me.  If you don't obey this order, the earl will never give you an arm ring."  He tells the boy who nods. 

Hilda can tell that the boy's mother is worried. But there is nothing she or anyone can do and the advisor takes the boy away. 

Lagertha then comes out and walks to Hilda and Bjorn.  

"What did he want?" She asks Hilda 

Hilda looks at her "He wanted to know where Ragnar is."

Lagertha looks at her worried "What did you say?"

"That he is out fishing." Hilda tells her and walks into the cabin. 


Halvar, Ragnar, Rollo and the other men who were out on the raid is now back.  They're having a meeting with the earl, showing everything they found.  Halvar is proud of himself for not killing Rollo but he knows that for the next raid, he will need someone for support, he will need Ursa. 

"My lord. It was easy taking all of these things.  The priest in the temple, had no weapons. They were like babies."   Ragnar tells the earl.  He pulls up one of the priests they have taken captive. 

"Here is one of their priests.  We captured several of them to sell for slaves."  Ragnar lets the slave go from his grip. 

"It must be true. That there are many more such holy places in England.  And other lands to the west.  Likewise filled with such treasure and to sail there will benefit us all." Ragnar tells the earl. 

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