Chapter 7

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The raid company are now on their way to a town named Hexam.  They have taken an englishman hostage that is showing them the way.   They come up to a hill and there they finally see it, Hexam.  Ursa couldn't believe it.  Halvar was also happy to see it but his focused was more on Rollo.  He wasn't gonna let that man put his claws into his sister again, not while he's here.

They walk through the woods to get to the city.  They get to the end of the forest where they can see the city more closer.  Rollo stands behind Ragnar.  "Let's attack straightaway."   "No.  We attack tomorrow."  Ragnar answers  and sits down by a tree.  

Rollo doesn't understand.  "Why wait?"  Ragnar sighes.  "It is a large town.  We have only a few men."   Rollo walks up to him.  "Then suprise is our biggest advantage."

"Arne. What day is it today?"  Ragnar asks.  "Saturday."  Arne answers.  Ragnar smiles and closes his eyes.  "Then we attack tomorrow."   "Why?"  Rollo asks angrily.  "You will understand tomorrow."  Ragnar answers.  

Ursa sits down by a tree eating a apple she found in the forest.  Halvar sits next to her.  "What do you see in him?"  She looks at him confused.  "What?"   "Rollo,  i have never understood it."

Ursa sighes and puts down her apple.  "Sometimes i don't even know. He has hurted me more times i count.  But when he does care i have never felt more loved or seen.  When he holds me i feel so safe.  He is also a true warrior and viking and i really admire that."

Halvar sighes.  "Okay... Okay.  I don't wanna hear more."   Ursa laughs.  "You asked!" Halvar takes her hands in his.  "You must know sister, you deserve better.  You deserve someone who respects you, who truly loves you.  Okay?"  Ursa sighes.  "I know."   But it's hard when you have loved someone for 7 years.  

It's the next day. "It's time."  Halvar walks up to Ursa who is sharpening her sword.  "Stay with me, okay?"   "You know that's impossible."  She tells him while sharpening. He sighes.  "I know but promise me to try to stay with the group, okay? "  She smiles "I will."  She turns to her brother.  "Don't make any foolish decisions.  I don't want to tell Olga about..."  He cuts her off.  "I won't and you won't have to." 

They walk up to the others.  "We must wait a little longer."  Ragnar tells them.    Knut looks at him.  "Wait? What for?"   Ragnar sighes.  "Just wait."    But Knut still don't understand.  "For what?"     "And listen."  Ragnar answers.    So they listen.  

"I don't hear anything."  Halvar answers.    Ragnar turns to the group.  "Well, what are you waiting for?"  They start walking towards the city now, it starts now.  

They get into the city and walking around.  It was truly like nothing Ursa had ever seen before.   There were a  big cross in the middle of the courtyard.   She didn't understand it but it was still interesting.  

Ursa follow her brother and most of the men to  a church.  You could hear sounds of people inside.  Ursa knew this was gonna be a good one.   Ursa walks first up and kicks the door open wielding her sword.   She could see the fear on the people's faces, it was thrilling. 

Three men runs up to hem.  Ursa knock dem one of them and stabs him in the stomach.  She looked back and saw Rollo looking at her, she smirked at him.  

They walk up to a priest who is standing farthest away from them.  

"In the name of god, who are you? Why have you come here? This is a place of god."  The priest asks them.    "If you do not resist, we will not hurt you. Tell that to your people, priest. Tell them to not be afraid."  Ragnar answers.   The priest nods and starts speaking to his people in their native tongue.   Ursa decided to walk out of the church to find something else.   Halvar looked as she walked out but he knew that she could protect herself.  

She was walking through the streets of the city and she was walking through a house when she saw Rollo standing above an elderly man.   Ursa was a viking through and through but she didn't like killing people who couldn't defend herself.  So she walked in. 

She saw Rollo with his axe but she just as she was about to stop him, Rollo did something unexpected.  He poured a glass of water for the man and gave the cup to him.  He then walked past Ursa.    She walked up to the old man and gave him some coins she had saved.  She smiled at him and walked out.     She ran up to Rollo.  "You didn't kill him."    Rollo sighes.  "He is an old man, he is gonna die either way.  What's the point."   Ursa smiles. "If you say so."  

It's time to leave.  The horn is blown.  Ursa and Rollo walks up to the others.  Halvar walks up to Ursa and  puts a distance between her and Rollo.    "Where is Knut?"  Ragnar asks.   "I killed him."  Lagertha answers.  Everyone is shocked.   Ragnar walks up to her.  "You killed him?"  Lagertha looks at him.  "He raped a saxon woman and then he tried to rape me."    Ragnar sighes.  "Did anyone else see it happen?"  Lagertha shakes her head.  Ragnar sighes.  "That's a pity."   Ragnar turns to Rollo.  "And where were you?"  And walks off.  They all walk away.  

They are now walking back to the beach but something is wrong.  They see an army of saxon men.   They sighes and walks up to them.   If they want a battle, they shall have it.  

"Shield wall!" Ragnar shouts as the saxon women get ready their archers.  They put up their sheilds to protect themselves.  The arrows pierces the shields but no one gets hurt. 

The saxon men starts running towards them.  "Stands" Ragnar shouts.  They stand up with their shields still protecting them.  "Breach!" Ragnar shouts.  They holds up their shields against the saxon men.  They start hitting the saxon men, Halvar who is one of their archers starts shooting his arrows.  Ursa starts stabbing saxon men in the chest, knocking them down to the ground.  She can feel the blood on her face.  

Two saxon men runs up to her she kills one of them first and then she throws her sword through the other's chest.  She walks up to the body and pulls the sword from the body.  

Finally they kill so many men that the leader of the them rides off.  They won.  

Halvar runs up to her.  "Are you alright?"   She nods. "You?"  He nods and hugs her.  She looked up and saw Rollo looking at her.  

Rollo and Ursa's relationship is complicated.  I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts

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