Chapter 8

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Hilda was watching Athelstan, Gyda and Bjorn.  She was soon coming to the end of her pregnancy so she couldn't do much.   Athelstan and Gyda was in the stables.  

Suddenly she sees Bjorn stomping away from the stables angirly.  "Bjorn?"  She asks but he doesn't answer her and keeps walking away.   She sighes and walks over to the stables where she finds Athelstan and Gyda with the  goats.  Athelstan stands up. "Hilda, you shall be resting."  She sighes.  "I saw Bjorn walking away angry. What happened?"   Athelstan is quiet so Hilda walks up to Gyda.  "Gyda, what did Bjorn hear?"   "He said to me that Odin, Thor and Loki aren't gods and that they don't exist."   Hilda sighes and takes Gyda's hand.  "Come, the priest can finish this on his own."  They walk off.  Athelstan stood by that they weren't gods but he knew he had upset them.  


Ursa is sitting down the beach as Halvar sits next to her.  "How are you feeling?"  Ursa drinks water. "Good."   Halvar takes a second to look at Rollo and then looks back at his sister. "Don't get back with him."   She looks at him confused.  "What?"  Halvar sighes.  "I just.. You have always had a soft spot for him even when he has hurted you.  He doesn't deserve you."   Ursa sighes. "I won't, Halvar, okay?"   Halvar nods. "Okay."   Ursa stands up and walk away from her brother.  Halvar wasn't so sure  as he saw Rollo watching his sister.  


They were sitting by the table eating dinner.   "I want to go to Kattegat. I want to see my father return soon.  He must return soon."   Bjorn tells them.  Hilda smiles. "Bjorn, your father will return soon."  Athelstan nods. "I promised your father i would look after you guys here."  Bjorn scoffs. "You're not looking after us!"   Hilda looks at him shocked. "Bjorn, that's enough."   Athelstan sighes.  "I cannot allow you to go to Kattegat alone."    "Than we should go together, the four of us."    Athelstan sighes.  "Your aunt is with child, she can't trayel.  And who would look after the farm?"   Athelstan pour some ale to him and Hilda.  "Can i have some ale?"  Gyda asks.  Hilda smiles "Of course you can."   Athelstan looks at her shocked as she pours her a glass.  

"I want to make a sacrifice to Thor, for my father's safe return."  Bjorn tells them.  Athelstan looks at him shocked.  "A sacrifice?"   Hilda smiles. "That's a wonderful idea, Bjorn."   Bjorn nods smiling.   Hilda keeps eating.  

Hilda is just about to go to the bed when she hear someone walking.  She turn around and sees the priest.  "Athelstan.  Is something wrong?"   He sighes. "Do you hate me?"  She scoffs, looking at him confused.  "Why would i hate you?"   He takes a step closer. "Because of what i said to Gyda."  She sighes and takes a step closer aswell. "No, i don't.  I know our gods confuses you but your god confuses us aswell.  You must understand that and don't ever say our gods doesn't exist, do you understand?"   Athelstan nods.  "I have decided that we'll leave for Kattegat in the morning."    She is unsure.  "But... i can't walk that far."   He smiles. "Don't worry.  You will be on horseback."  She nods.  "Okay."  

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