Chapter 12

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Today is the late earl's funeral.  Hilda can be present for the funeral as her brother is the earl now, servants can look after her daughter while she is at the funeral.  

Before the funeral, people are dancing, fighting, having fun.  Celebrating the life of earl Haraldson.   She sees Athelstan walking around, she can see something is on his mind.  When she caught his eyes, she sign to him to come.   

Athelstan walks up to her and stands next to her.  "Hi."  She smiles.  "Hi.  I can tell something is on your mind."     Athelstan points at a woman.  "That woman there is gonna be sacrificed."   Hilda looks at him.  "Yes she is but it's her own choice, it's her own decision.  I understand it's hard for you to understand why she would do this but.  The way i look at it  is that she could have said no.  But she said yes because she wanted to, she wasn't forced."   Hilda walks off  leaving the priest with his thoughts.  

It was now the time for the funeral.  Hilda is standing next to her brother Rollo.  She watches as everyone cheers as Ragnar and his family arrives.  She smiles seeing how  everyone was so happy that her brother is earl.   

But everything goes more quiet when the former earl's widow Siggy walks up to Ragnar.  "I ask pernission to light the pyre."  Ragnar walks closer to her.   But instead of giving it to her, he gives it to another man.  

The man walks up to the boat  where the pyre is and where the earl's body is.  He throws the burning torch into the boat.  Everyone watches as the boat goes away.  

"I have something important to tell you, husband.  I'm with child again."  Lagertha whispers to Ragnar.  

Hilda who is standing behind them with Rollo, watches as Ragnar kneels down to Lagertha's belly and it doesn't take long for her to understand what it means and she smiles.  

After the funeral, Ursa who has been present looks around and she sees Rollo giving her a look.  Without having her brother sees her, she slips away.  

She follows him into a room and closes the door.  Right when the door is closed.  She feels someone's hands covering her eyes.  She chuckles  and turns around to see him, Rollo.  

"You didn't think i would know it was you, i saw you walk in."  Rollo smiles.  "And you still followed?"  She smiles.  "I did."   He puts his hands on her waist and pulls her into a deep kiss.  She kisses him back instantly.   He start to push her towards the wall.   

Ursa, scared that others would hear pull away.  He sighes.  "I'm sorry, i just don't want the others to hear us."  Rollo chuckles.  "I don't think they would mind."  With lust in his eyes, he tries to to pull her into another kiss but she stops him.  "I know someone who would mind."   

Rollo sighes.  "Your brother."  Ursa nods.  "Yes and if he found out this way, he would kill you."  

"Then why haven't you told him?"  Rollo asks.  Ursa sighes.  "I don't know, it's been a lot lately but i will tell him.  I just don't want him to hear  about itfrom anyone else."   

Rollo nods.  "Well you should go then."  Ursa looks at him confused.  "Why?"   "Because if you don't go, i will rip your dress off."  He whispers.  Ursa smiles and kisses him.   She pulls away.  "I'll see you later at your cabin, okay?"  He nods.   She walks out.   

She start walking but without seeing her brother has seen her.  But before he can shout to her he sees Rollo coming out of the same door she did.  That makes him angry and he walks off.  


A shorter chapter :) The late earl's funeral and Lagertha is pregnant.  Halvar has seen Rollo and Ursa.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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