Chapter 9

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There are screams  coming from Lagertha and Ragnar's farm.  That's right, his sister Hilda is in labour.  Both Lagertha and Gyda are helping her.   She has never felt this kind of pain before, well except when she lost Erik.  Gyda is holding her hand, while Lagertha is holding onto her legs. 

"Okay Hilda, It's time to push, ready?"  Hilda nods and she starts pushing and screaming.   She keeps pushing and pushing.  "Great, Hilda.  I can see the head.  So one more push."  But than Hilda started crying.     Gyda is looking at her mother nervously.   Lagertha walks up to Hilda.  "Hilda, hey talk to me?"   She looks at her with  tears streaming. "I wish he was here."  Lagertha nods and wipes the tears off.  "I know but you need push, okay?"  Hilda sighes and nods.  

Lagertha walks back to hold Hilda's legs.  "Okay, one more push."   With that she starts pushing and screaming until she hears cries, baby cries.   Hilda breathes heavily.  "Is the baby alright?"  

Lagertha wraps up the baby in a blanket and looks up at her sister-in-law and smiles.  "You have a healthy baby girl, congratulations."    Lagertha hands Hilda her daughter.  Hilda looks down  at her daughter with tears in her eyes.  But than suddenly they hear screams from outside.  Lagertha looks outside and her eyes widen.  "We're under attack."    

Hilda holds her daughter tight "What?"  Lagertha turns to Gyda.  "Go to the kitchen and tell Athelstan to get Bjorn."  Gyda nods and runs out.  Lagertha walks up to Hilda.  "You need to get up."  Hilda takes Lagertha's hand in one hand and holds her daughter in the other.  She is very sore, i mean she just gave birth.  Lagertha keeps her steady as she's holding her daughter.  

They walk out to the kitchen.  Lagertha takes out a sword.  Lagertha turns to Gyda and give her a dagger.  "Here."  Athelstan and Bjorn runs in.   Lagertha gives Bjorn a sword.   She gives Athelstan an axe, Hilda can see he's scared so she smiles at him while rocking her daughter.    

"What shall we do? Should we run?"  Bjorn asks.  Lagertha shakes her head.  "No, we stay.  Your father will be back."  "But there are too many of them.  Hilda has just had a child!"   Lagertha looks at her son.  "Stay strong, be ready."   Hilda looks down at her daughter, not even an hour old.  

It doesn't take long until the door opens and Ragnar walks but he's hurt.  They all walk up to him.  "You're hurt."  Lagertha sees worried.  Ragnar looks at his sister.  "The child?"  She smiles. "Well."   Bjorn looks at Lagertha.  "We have to go now."

"What's happening?"   Lagertha asks as Ragnar opens the hidden door.  "Father, please tell me."  Bjorn pleads.   "You have to get to the boat."   Ragnar helps Hilda first and she jumps down carefully and holds her daughter tight.   It's hard to crawl with a baby but she does it.  Lagertha is behind her with the children and Athelstan.   Hilda is glad her daughter hasn't started crying. 

They get outside, they knows they need to be careful.   They carefully runs into the forest without being seen.   Finally they get to the shore, they see the boat.  the baby starts fuzzing, Hilda tries to rock her to calm her so she doesn't start crying.  And thanfully she doesn't.  They get on the boat.  "Get down."  Lagertha tells them.  Hilda is on her back with her daughter laying on her chest.   She looked up at the sky.  "Erik, protect us."  She whispers to herself.  

When the boat comes by the farm, they look up and sees the cabin burning.  All Hilda can wonder is how Ragnar is gonna be able to get to them.   

They floating down the water when they look up a cliff where they see Ragnar is standing.   Ragnar must jump but instead of jumping he collapses and falls down the water.  As everyone else, Hilda is terrified.    Hilda sits up in the boat as the other run up to the side.  "Can  you see him?"  Lagertha asks.   Hilda holds her daughter tight as she watches Athelstan jump into the water.    "Where are they?"  Bjorn asks.   Than Athelstan comes over the surface with Ragnar in his arms.  Hilda can't see much because she's sitting down.  But she watches as they pull Ragnar's uncouncious body up the boat.  Is her brothe dead?  

They were on their way to Floki's cabin, he was the only one they could trust to help them.  Lagertha turned to Hilda.  "Have you decided a name?"  Hilda looks at her.  "What?"  Lagertha smiles. "The name.  What will you name her?"   Hilda turns back to look at her daughter who's sleeping soundly.   " I have.  It's been decided every since  i found out about my husband's death.  If it was a boy he would be named Erik, after his father.  And it was a girl she would also be named after her father,  Erika.  Her name is Erika."  Lagertha smiles.  "It's perfect."

They get to the shore and park the boat.  Bjorn jumps off the boat and runs off to find Floki.   Hilda turns to Lagertha who is sitting beside Ragnar who's holding by his life. 

Freya is picking flowers not far away from the cabin when she hears someone shouting her father's name.  She looks up and sees who it is.  "Bjorn?"   She takes a step closer and sees it's actually Bjorn.  "Bjorn!"   He turns around and sees her and runs up to her.  "Freya!"   She walks up to him.  "Bjorn, what is it?"   He takes a deep breath.  "Freya, where's your father?"   She looks at him.  "He's in the cabin, why?"  Bjorn sighes.  "It's my dad, he's dying."  Freya nods.  "Follow me."    

Freya opens the door to the cabin where they see her parents kissing.  They pull away when they hear the door open.  Floki looks at his daughter.  "Freya, we told you..."  But then he sees Bjorn.  "Bjorn?  What are you doing here?"  Bjorn takes a deep breath.  "It's my father, he's dying."  Floki is scared for his friend and nods.  "Show me to him."  Bjorn nods and walks out and Floki follows him.  Freya is just about to to follow them but her mother stops her.  "Stay here, darling.  They will be back."  Freya nods and stays with her mother.  

It doesn't take long until the door burts open and Freya sees her father and Lagertha come inside, holding up Ragnar who's uncouncious.  "Helga, get the bark of the ash and the garlic and the sage.   Freya help your mother."  Freya nods as she helps her mother get everything that they need.   But she can't stop looking at Bjorn and his family.   What has happened to Ragnar?"

Hilda's child is born and she is named Erika.  They have fled to Floki's cabin and Ragnar is near death.  I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.  

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