chapter 1

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It has been two months since Hilda found out about Erik's death

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It has been two months since Hilda found out about Erik's death. It's still hard but now she does everything for their child. She feels like if she weren't pregnant, she would be dead now.

She is sitting watching Ragnar fench with her 12 year old nephew Bjorn. Seeing them makes her smile but also sad because Erik never got to do that with their child. She caresses her belly.

Ragnar and Bjorn walks into the cabin. Hilda is still sitting outside when she sees Lagertha and her niece Gyda coming back from fishing. Lagertha walks up to Hilda "How are you?" Hilda smiles "I'm fine, how did the fishing go?" Lagertha smiles "It went well. Come on let's go inside" Hilda stands up and takes Lagertha's hand, they walk in. When they walk into the cabin they see Ragnar helping Bjorn with his coat. Lagertha looks at them confused "What are you two doing?" Ragnar smiles , still looking at Bjorn. "I'm taking Bjorn to the thing tomorrow" Lagertha releases Hilda's hand and walks up to them, Hilda follow close behind. Lagertha shakes her head "Not yet, he's not old enough" Ragnar just keeps smiling "He's 12 years old"

Hilda chuckles because she knows that when her brother has set his mind for something it's hard to convince him otherwise. Lagertha sighes "Take him next year, next year is soon enough" Ragnar looks at his wife "He'll need a silk ribbon, Lagertha" Lagertha doesn't say anything back. Hilda sits down, being 7 months pregnant it's hard sometimes to stand for a period of time. Ragnar puts his hands on the side of Bjorn's head "You're a handsome boy, funny ears tough" Ragnar walks away and Lagertha goes up to Bjorn and caresses his cheek. Hilda stands up "You'll do well Bjorn" Bjorn smiles at her "Thank you" Hilda walks to her room and laid down on the bed.

Hilda was now laying in bed. She sometimes looked at the other side of the bed, hoping to see Erik laying there but he never did. She wishes he was here. She closes her eyes to go to sleep.

It was the next day. Hilda, Lagertha and Gyda watched as Bjorn and Ragnar left for Kattegat. Lagertha turns to Hilda "Are you alright?" Hilda smiles and squeezes Lagertha's hand "Yes i'm fine" Lagertha smiles and takes Gyda's hand "Let's go inside" They walk inside the cabin.

A little later. Lagertha is showing Gyda how to sew a carpet. Hilda is sitting down, watching them. She caresses her belly if it's a girl she can't wait to do this with her. Suddenly the door opens and two disgusting looking men walks in. Hilda stands up, caressing her belly. She can smell trouble on these men. Hilda turns to Gyda "Come on Gyda, let's feed the goats" Gyda turns to Lagertha who is staring at these men aswell, Lagertha looks at her daughter "Go on" Gyda walks up to Hilda, takes her hand and they walk out.

When they are outside they run to the stables. And hide there. Hilda holds Gyda Tightly. Hilda knows Lagertha can defend herself. After a few minutes they hear Lagertha screaming after them. Lagertha comes into the stables, first she hugs her daughter and then Hilda. This time it went well. It's not easy being a woman.

Ursa and Rollo have now arrived in Kattegat. They might not have the best relationship but with her being his wife Rollo still feels protective of her especially here in Kattegat. Suddenly someone jumps out at them. Rollo pulls Ursa aside but when he sees who it is he sighes "It's you" Ursa looks up and when she sees it's her face lights up. "Halvar!" She jumps into his arms, hold him tightly. She pulls away "Brother, i didn't know you would come" He smiles "I know it's been a while but it's time to go back and raid" Halvar looks at Rollo and frown "Rollo" Rollo nods "Halvar." Rollo starts walking. Ursa sighes and takes Halvar's arm "Let's go" Halvar kisses Ursa on the head and whispers "I love you" Ursa smiles "I love you too"

Suddenly she sees Rollo running. She looses her grip on Halvar and follow him. Suddenly she stops when she sees Rollo has found Bjorn and Ragnar. Ursa chuckles and walks up"Well isn't Bjorn and Ragnar" Ursa puts her hands on Bjorn's shoulders. "Hi Ursa" Ursa smiles. She then feel someone's hands around her waist holding her up. She laughs "Ragnar, put med down." Ragnar puts her down. "Ursa. Is my brother treating you well" Ursa smiles "As always" Ragnar looks behind Ursa and smiles "Well isn't Halvar Stensson" Ragnar pulls his friend into a hug. Ragnar pulls away "How are you friend?" Halvar sighes in relief "So well. Ready to raid again" Rollo takes Bjorn around the shoulder "Let's get a drink" They start walking but Halvar stops Ursa. "I have to go, i will see you at the thing" Ursa nods "Okay" He kisses her on the cheek "Bye" Then walks off. Ursa sighes and then follow the others.

They are now sitting down drinking. Bjorn is taking a big gulp of his drink. They all chuckle. Rollo looks at Bjorn "You look a little pale, Bjorn. Are you ready for a woman" Ursa shoves him but Rollo continues. "There's some good looking woman in Kattegat, some are free" Ursa just rolls her eyes at her husband. Ragnar swipes the drink of Bjorn's face. "You can't even grow a beard, can you boy?" Bjorn just smiles but you can see he's tired. Ragnar smiles at his son "C'mon go and lie down" Bjorn stands up and goes to to lie down.

Rollo looks at Ragnar "So where do you think the earl is going to send us this year?" That makes Ursa chuckle. Rollo looks at her confused. Ursa shakes her head "You know where! The baltic lands as always. Those bastards are as poor as we are" Ragnar chuckles "Your wife is wise" Rollo chuckles and looks at Ursa "Don't i know it" He then pulls into a deep but quick kiss. Ursa knows he only did it to prove something, not because he cared for her. Ursa stands up "Excuse me" Ursa walks outside.

She takes a deep breath. She been married to Rollo for 7 years but not even once she has felt he truly cares for her and despite that she loves him. She can't help it and she hates herself for it.

After a few minutes the door bust open. Ursa moves away. It's Rollo and Ragnar. Ragnar is holding a stone towards the sky. Ursa walks up to them "What are you doing?" Ragnar just smiles looking up at the sky "Showing how we are gonna sail to the east" Ursa is stunned and confused "What? How?" Ragnar sighes "This is a sunstone" Suddenly the sun starts to shine "You see!" Ragnar points towards the sun "There is the sun. Now we go west" Ursa is confused but just nods. Ragnar turns to her "I will explain later but now it's time for the thing"

Arnas Fedaravicius as Halvar Stensson

A new chapter!  Hilda misses Erik so much :( I feel so bad for Ursa

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A new chapter! Hilda misses Erik so much :( I feel so bad for Ursa. I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts

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