Chapter 2

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They were now inside the earl's halls.   Ursa was standing beside Ragnar and Rollo. Bjorn was standing behind them on a higher stool. 

Ursa was looking for her brother. She saw him standing a few rows infront of her with his wife Olga. 

She wished her relationship with Rollo was like theirs.  

Finally the earl walks in with his wife Siggy and his right hand man Svein.  

The earl and his wife sit down on their thrones.  

Svein looks at a man "Olaf Anwed, you have pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing. Tommorow you will run a gauntlet of stones and turf as a punishment"  

The man nods "Yes lord, thank you lord." He walks off. 

"Let it be known.  A fine is to be paid by anyone who fails to throw something"   He tells everyone which makes many people laugh. 

"Bring in the next accused"    A man walks in.  

"Eric Trygvasson. You are accused  of the murder of Sigvalt Strut this january."  

Ursa looked at Olga, because this Sigvalt Strut was her father.  Olga was looking down crying.  

Svein looks at the man "How do you plead?"  

Eric looks at Svein "It wasn't murder, lord.  I killed him in self-defense."

Olga scoffs.   "Liar!"  Olga's aunt shouts who is standing next to her and Halvar. 

Svein looks at Eric "If it wasn't murder.  Why did you not declare your crime to the first person you met afterwards as the law obliges. In fact you passed by several houses before you reported it"   

Eric sighes "I thought the relatives of the man might be living in them"     

Svein looks at Eric "The law allows you to pass two houses, in such circmunstances, but never a third." 

Olga stares at the man "You killed my father in cold blood!"  Halvar holds her hand tightly.  

"It's not true!"  Olga scoffs. 

"We argued about some disputed land. He pulled out a knife!"  Eric answers. 

Olga's aunt shakes her head "You wanted that land for yourself. You're a liar and a coward."  

He turns to look at her "Who says i'm a coward. I'm not a coward."

The earl sighes "Silence!" 

Eric turns to the earl.

"As the normal procedures were not followed, this killing cannot be atoned for by compensating the victim's family. Murder is a dishonorable deed amongst our people.  Carried out in secret, unacknowledged and likely to give rise to a series of revenge killings that would involve your own family"  The earl tells Eric

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