Chapter 10

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Floki's cabin

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Floki's cabin

Hilda is sitting down holding her daughter in his arms as Floki and Lagertha tries to save Ragnar.   Floki takes up a knife he's holding towards the fire to help wake Ragnar up but Lagertha stops him.  

"Let me."  He gives her the knife.   "I dedicate this blade to the goddess, to Freya. Wisdom might you give us, Freya and healing hands while we live."

"Hail to the Aesir."  Bjorn prays.  "Please Freya, heal my father."  Gyda pleads.  

Hilda sighes and closes her eyes.  "Bring my brother back, Freya.  Healthy and strong."    

Lagertha put the knife towards Ragnar's wound.  

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under the sun.  A time to be born, a time to die.   A time to plant, and to pluck up what is planted.   A time to kill and a time to heal.    Mary, mother of god, listen to me.   Do not let this man die."  Athelstan speaks.  

The next morning,  Freya is sitting outside when she hears someone coming outside from the cabin.  She turn around and sees Bjorn, she smiles.  He sits next to her.  

"Did your father name you Freya, after the goddess?"  Freya smiles and looks at him.  "Yes.  My father has always wanted to name his children some way after the gods, to show how much he respects them and love them.  And he told me that when i was born, he and my mother both knew that my name would be Freya."  

He smiles.  "It suits you."  She looks at him and smiles. "Thank you."  

Freya looks behind him and sees a man walking towards them.  "Bjorn."  He turns to see where she's looking.   They both stand up quickly. 

The man walks up to them.  "Is it true?"  Freya and Bjorn look at eachother 

"He's here."  Freya turns to Bjorn.  "I'm gonna get your mother."  He nods and Freya walks inside. 

"Lagertha?"  She asks.  Lagertha turn around and walks up to her.  "Yes?"  Freya takes a deep breath.   "There is a man here.  He wants to see Ragnar."  Lagertha nods feelings nervous.  "I'll go, stay inside."  Freya nods and watches as Lagertha walks outside and closes the door.  

Every second feels like an hour but not after long the door opens.  She sees Bjorn and Lagertha walking inside with the man behind them.    

Hilda can see the girl is worried so she walks up to her.  "That's Torstein, he's a really good friend of Ragnar."  Hilda sees Freya breathes out.  

Hilda looks towards Helga who's holding Erika, she smiles.  

Hilda sits down next to her brother who has now woken up.  He smiles at her.  

Torstein walks up to them, Hilda takes a step back.  He looks at her smiling but then he looks down at her belly shocked.  "The baby?"  Hilda smiles and looks towards Helga who's holding her daughter.  "She's great."   

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