Chapter 6

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Ursa was sitting eating  breakfast when Halvar comes and sits next to her.  

"Ursa the summer raids are soon and I want you to come with me"  He tells her. 

She looks at him "Halvar..."  She wasn't ready to face him.  

"No, Ursa, listen to me.  I can't let you be scared to face him and i'm not gonna let him take away the love you have for raids from you.  You're a shieldmaiden and besides if you don't follow me, i will end up killing him."  He was serious.  

Ursa sighes "Fine."  Her brother was right, she had to face him. 


"I have the earl's permission to sail back to England.   I want to leave as soon as possible."  Ragnar tells Hilda, Lagertha and the children. 

"How soon is that?"  Lagertha asks.    "Tomorrow"  He answers. 

Lagertha turns around to look at him.  Hilda could tell that Lagertha was upset. 

Lagertha sighes "We all wish you sucess, we will sacrifice to Odin."

Ragnar smiles "Are you not coming?"  

Lagertha is confused.  "What? The children, the farm?"

"Bjorn is still too young, although he can help with the farm."  Ragnar states. 

"But who is to be in charge?"  Bjorn asks.  

"Your aunt Hilda of course."  Ragnar states. 

Bjorn is confused "But she's pregnant?"

Ragnar nods "Yes, that's why the priest will help her.  I will leave a key with your aunt."

Bjorn stands up.  "Father! You can't place a slave above me, your natural son."

Ragnar gives Bjorn to sit down and he does.  "I don't regard him a slave  and i know your aunt doesn't either.  Isn't that right sister?"

Hilda nods "Yes. He's a good man and responsible one. I trust him."

Athelstan stands up.  "Please Ragnar, don't do this."

Ragnar turns and look at his daughter.  "What do you think Gyda?"

"I don't mind, i like the priest."  She answers.  

Ragnar smiles "Then it's decided." He walks out. 

Lagertha turns to Athelstan.  "If any harm befalls my children or Hilda, i will tear the lungs out of your body, priest."

Hilda looks at her "Lagertha. We'll be fine"  Lagertha walks out. 

It's time for Lagertha and Ragnar to leave for the summer raid.  Rollo has also come over to say goodbye.  

Hilda walks up to Rollo first.  "Remember, come back, alive."  The thought of losing someone else she loved terrifed her.  She had already lost Erik. 

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