Chapter 28

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'You never fail until you stop trying.' -unknown. 

Previous chapter~

"So cool, Princess." said Penny, she didn't forget to add honorifics as they duke was here.

"Hmmm, the only one who can control demons was Choi Pang the prime minister who was expelled from the demon kingdom for unknown reasons." said Fiona.

"No way." muttered Darius.

"Shit" cursed Malik.

"Ha." Henry let out an uneasy sigh.

"He is still alive," said Claude with all seriousness.

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"WHo? What? Where? How?" asked Addie curiously.

"Ahh, it's nothing, We will take our leaves, and Amara that was really good." said Henry as he stood up with the other adults to leave.

"Huh? Wait henry! Where are you Leaving me?!" said Juno pitifully as she ran after her husband.

"Pfft-" laughed Beatrice as she continued, "that's no way for a queen to act."

"I know right, so disrespectful," said Calli, gaining Beatrice's attention.

Beatrice raised her eyebrow in question, "Is that how you address your mother?" she asked.

"I apologise, but she is not my mother and she will never be, she is just someone who is greedy for power." he answered.

"Hmm, I see. It must be hard right? Why don't you all tell me more about your mother? I never met them, I would love to know more," Beatrice said with a warm comforting smile.

Beatrice doesn't know much about politics, she has spent most of her time researching herbs and medicine and planning strategies for wars. Which led her to have less knowledge on politics and other empires.

"We don't have one," said Amy.

"Huh?" questioned Beatrice, she was expecting a different answer.

"Same," said Albert and Penny at the same time, making Penny's cheek a bit pink.

"I do, though we barely talk." Fiona replied, as she continued eating.

Beatrice looked at the kids before turning to look at her son and then back at them.

Taking a deep breath she began,"I see, I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. I truly apologise. So in return how about we all spend the day together? We can have fun and we can also go to town ...."

Hearing town made the kids' eyes sparkle in joy.

"Town? Really? You are serious right?" asked Fiona excitedly.

"Wow, we get to go to town." Penny whispered.

"And we didn't have to beg for it." Albert whispered back.

"Welp, lucky us." siad Calli.

"I like her, she is cool." said Addie, to which his siblings can only nod.

"But in disguise, right mother?" asked Leoroy.

"Yep, now first in our list is to go do some training!" exclaimed Beatrice, as she told the kids to finish their breakfast. 

(A/n: ALright, i am just gonna put some very short scenes of their day in here, since writing everything will probably take up 2 chapters and i don't want that, since it will be boring and i also don't just wanna skip it.)

At training 

"Addie, watch OUt!!!" Yelled Amy. 

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Cried Addie in pain, as he hit the wall. 

"Ha, loser!" stated FIona. 

During lunch 

In the kitchen

"AH! A COCK-" said Fiona. 

"HuH? what did you say young lady?" questioned Beatrice. 

"Aunty! It's  a cockroach!" said FIona. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! oMG!" everyone yelled including Beatrice. 

"ALBERTTTTTTT!!!! CALLLIIIII!!!!" yelled Athy. 

"WHATTTTT???!!!"  calli questioned. 

"BOYS!!! DO SOMETHING??!" said Beatrice. 

"WHY US???!!!" addie as he climbed up the counter. 


"SInce when?" said Albert as the boys (except leoroy, he too busy catching the cockroach) wrapped their training towel around them. 

In the afternoon 


"Why are we drawing that blondie and uncles?" asked Amy. 

"ya why? i mean they all handsome and all but why them and why not our escorts?" asked Athy. 

"I mean, our escorts are more worthy of having the title dad than our own fathers are." said Calli, to which the rest just simply nodded. 

"Callisto regulus, I am right here you know." yelled Henry from another room. 

"Oh sweet heart, don't bother with him, let's have our own fun." said JUno. 

"Ya and i DOn't care" replied Callisto to his dad. 

"Wow, uncle go find a private place." yelled Amy at Henry. 

In the evening


"WOw!" exclaimed FIona. 

"Been a while since I saw these again." said Penny.

"Awesome!<3" Exclaimed Albert as he unconsciously reached out to penny's hand and held it. 

THe whole visit, Beatrice and Athy were busy shipping Penny and Albert, who were busy in their own world. 

Calli, Amy and Leo, were busy getting Fiona and Addie together, while the emperors in disguise were busy handling the kids (including Beatrice) as they roamed Anywhere and everywhere. 

And like that 2 months were over. 

To the least, the triplet's visit to Deira was pleasant and nothing dramatic or overpainful happen to which claude was mostly gald, since wherever his childern go chaos happens espically Amy since she is always the one who gets hurt. 

The kids bond grew stronger, and they now considered beatrice as a cool aunt,  also a mother figure for penny, calli, fiona, and albert. 

For the emperors, well can't say that it went well, ever since they found out that, that man might be alive they haven't been able to rest properly, might not in the future too.

TO be continued-

A/N: Hello! This chapter was written in a bit of a hurry so yeah~ Enjoy~

Finally they will be back in obliea and I can go to the main plot with some cute anaticus and jetty moments~ waah so excited~

See ya later, be safe

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