Chapter 29

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TIme skip to before the debutante:

"Our debutante is coming up," said Addie as he sipped his tea.

"hmm. Who's your partner?" asked Athy.

"Don't have one." Answered Addie.

"OH, the most handsome man in the world doesn't have a partner?" said Amy scaritcally.

"My, my. It's true I don't, no one met my standards. But my dear sister. DO you?" asked Addie as he played along with his sister.

The past few years were peaceful. The triplets got closer to Claude and it seemed to them that they had gained Claude's favour.

"Daddy, can you be my partner?" asked Athy.

"'ve become bold," said claude.

"Geez blondie, don't insult my sis. Sis, I shall go with you. Blondie is old so he doesn't know how to dance. He is ashamed." siad Amy as she whispered the last sentence.

"I will join you." Claude replied, not giving Athy a chance to speak.

"Ahh, that's awesome!" exclaimed Athy.

"Tsk, Addie, I shall go with you." stated Amy.

"Huh? No way. Eww." replied Addie.

"Uhh, bro. Seriously, i don't think you have anyone else and i have better choice but i am doing this to save your 'reputation'" spoke amy.

"Oh and who are these other choices?" asked Addie.

"Let's see, I can ask Ejekiel, Lucas, Felix, and oh Liam!" exclaimed Amy.

"Not white's son and the magician." commented Claude.

"I will go with you. I don't wanna go alone." Said Addie, whispering the last part.


"Owieee...." whined Athy.

"Opps..." chuckled Addie.

"Addie! Come ON MAN TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!" scolded Athy.

"Hai, hai." answered Addie in a bored tone.

"I bet Ikejeil is better than you." Athy said as she tsk-ed. She just wanted to get some practice in dancing.

"Not me?" said Lucas as he munched on the cookies.

"Nope Not you too. I think Ikejiel might be a gentleman." said Athy with a smile. This ticked Lucas off.

"Then go to him." said Lucas as he snapped his fingers and sent Athy away.


"Nevermind Addie. Leo agreed to be my partner."Amy said as she opened the door while holding a letter.

"Really? How could you betray me like that!" Addie whined.

"Because I can." Amy replied as she sat on the couch.

"Did you finish learning the spell I gave you?" asked Lucas.

"Oh huh? Oh ya." Answered Amy as she read the letter.

"Just how many times are you going to read that?" asked Addie as he snatched the letter.

Dear Amy,

How's life?

I miss you...and the others a lot. But we can meet soon as I will be attending your debutante. I am just writing to ask you if I can be your partner on the day. Also I have some news about the things you asked me to investigate

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