Chapter 37

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Quote: 'Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.' -unknown. 

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previous chapter: 

Embarrassed, I hugged her and hid my face in her neck.

"A-Addie??" she hesitated.

"Just for a while...Please." I barely whispered back as tears started to form, the feelings that I had surpassed for the past few days came out.


It's so warm. I wish I could stay Like this forever and forget about everything.

"Addie. I do not mind staying like this forever but it's time for you to go." Fiona said after sometime.

The realisation hit me as I quickly wiped my tears and broke the hug. I gave her a small smile and thanked her for reminding me and took my leave....


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The meeting room:

Third person pov:

"Princess Athanasia De Alger Obelia and Prince Adiel De Alger Obelia have arrived." the servant announced.

"Greetings to the star of obelia.Princess Athanasia and Prince Adiel. May the brilliant rays of the sun forever shine upon you two." The nobles included Duke Alpheus and Viscount Patterson greeted Athanasia as she and Addie walked in the room and Athy took her seat while Addie stood behind her.

"You may be seated." Athy ordered as she gestured to Liam to prepare a seat for Addie.

'Did dad always have to endure this intense pressure?' Athy asked. 'I think not. Because he is the one giving pressure.' Addie answered as he took a seat right next to Felix's father, the duke.

"As my sister Amara discussed before, I will be in charge of the kingdom along with Adiel.

"I have heard and seen that many of you have agreed and I am gald to hear that. His majesty has been overworking himself and has been-"

"Excuse me, I heard that His majesty has been using black magic? And I signed for Princess Amara, not for you princess." A count who completely opposed the emperor spoke.

"Well....Suck for you huh?" Athy said, surprising everyone, even Addie.

'What? I have lived with you two for 14 years. Of course I know when to show the attitude and right now I am annoyed because he brought Amy up.' Athy siad.

"Anyways my sister is tired and does not wish to attend, let's continue and one more time you speak without permission, you will face punishment. Addie will break your neck." Athy spoke confidently.

'Huh? What? Why? When did I agree to this?' -Addie.

"Excuse me but why can't we meet His majesty directly? Instead of doing this he could have just made an imperial degree. Is it true that his Majesty is severely injured?" Aplues said as he raised his hand.

'Dad could have done that?' Athy asked. 'I swear he.....ha, god please..' Addie replied, annoyed.

The question from DUke Alpheus was unreasonable, didn't he accept Amy's proposal? Why would he back down and question it right now. Had he lost his mind or something?

'I have a bad feeling about this.' -Athy.

"As you already know, his majesty does not like complicated Procedures. For the sake of letting his majesty rest properly without being disturbed. My sister Amara had called the meeting before and I am here again to explain it thoroughly since I was not present during the last one." Athy answered confidently. 'Something is wrong with white, and how come he changed his attended and he is also wearing a long robe? I was informed it was a baron before.' -Athy.

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