chapter three

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"It's only Wednesday and I'm already sleep-deprived." Minjeong sighed as she placed her head on the table.

"What do you mean, Jeong? You're always sleep-deprived," Jimin laughed.

"No, I'm not," Minjeong lifted her head, just enough to look at her friend.

"Sure you aren't. How much did you sleep last night?" Jimin eyed the girl making her huff.

"Three hours, give or take," she replied.

"See? You have to sleep more. You shouldn't have to stay up that late just so you can study, you always do good in exams anyway," the girl placed her head between her hands so she could look into Minjeong's eyes.

"I'm fine. There's just a lot on my mind." Minjeong sighed.

"Talk to me, I know your mind works overtime. Plus, we have an hour before the movie starts." Jimin encouraged her friend.

"It's nothing in particular. Like, one second I'm thinking about my assignments, and the next I'm thinking about the time difference between me and Doyoung. It's frustrating, the only thing keeping me awake is my brain giving me all these thoughts at once." Minjeong said, letting all her thoughts out.

"You should lower your dosage of caffeine. It's affecting your sleep schedule more than it should." Jimin shook her head.

"I know, but I can't help it. It's the only thing that keeps me awake during exam season." Minjeong replied.

"So, anything interesting in your life other than that non-existent sleeping schedule?" Jimin asked.

"Not really. My physics partner is surprisingly easy to talk to. I should introduce him to you, I think you two would get along well." Minjeong smiled at the thought of her newfound friend.

"Why would we get along?" Jimin asked curiously.

"I don't know, you're both very kind and easygoing, even though your majors are totally different," she replied.

"Yeah, right. You know how hard it is for me to open up. I mean, it took me more than four months to trust you." Jimin stated.

"I know, but you could use some human interaction." Minjeong shook her head.

The two just made little talk as time passed, and finally, the film they'd both been wanting to see started playing, making them shut up, all their attention diverting to the big screen in front of them.

"The movie was amazing," Minjeong exclaimed as she stretched her arms.

"Two hours well wasted, don't you think?" Jimin asked as they exited the cinema.

"Definitely," Minjeong replied, linking arms with her friend.

The pair didn't even make it out of the shopping mall when Minjeong started feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey, let's round here, I know a shortcut home," Minjeong said as she dragged Jimin towards one of the alleyways outside of the center.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked as she caught up with the other.

"There are some men following us, and I think I have an idea of who they're working for," she replied.

"What do you mean by that?" Jimin questioned.

"Long story short, I'm joining the Dragons, and I raced against this sexist motherfucker and won, he wanted me as his one-night stand or something, and well you know how I react when someone enters my personal space if I'm not comfortable." Minjeong briefly explained as they quickened their pace, only to bump into one of the men who were chasing them.

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